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1933 Germany With an American Twist


1930s Wiemar Republic Nazi Rally (Public Domain)

By R.L. Malcolm

On April 7th 1933 this Law was enacted by the then German Chancellor Adolf Hitler. I have copied it here in its entirety courtesy of The law itself can be found here Reichsgesetzblatt, I, 1933, p. 175. and is public domain. What I have included however is how this law would be and is being implemented today in our own country. The Americanized Version is in the left column and the historically documented original is included to the right to allow for easy cross reference. The underlined portions are edited and updated by me to reflect the current Biden vaccine mandates. I don’t imply that this was where the framers of our current vaccine mandates got their idea, though I can’t completely rule it out either. I am simply pointing out what could very well be the beginning of something much more sinister and underhanded than most people want to admit. Without further ado here is the “Gesetz zur Wiederherstellung des Berufsbeamtentums, or Berufsbeamtengesetz” or otherwise known as the “Law for the Restoration of Professional Civil Service” albeit with an American Twist.

“Law for the Restoration of Professional Civil Service” Americanized Version“Law for the Restoration of Professional Civil Service” April 7th 1933 Historically Documented Original Law The American Government has enacted the following Mandate, promulgated herewith: § 1 1) To restore a national professional civil service and to simplify administration, civil servants may be dismissed from office in accordance with the following regulations, even where there would be no grounds for such action under the prevailing Law. 2) For the purposes of this Mandate the following are to be considered civil servants: direct and indirect officials of the United States, direct and indirect officials of the Executive Branch , officials of Local Health Care Organizations, Counties and Cities, officials of Public, and Private Corporations as well as of Institutions and Enterprises of equivalent status employing more than 100 workers...The provisions will apply also to officials of Social Insurance organizations having the status of civil servants.... § 2 1) Civil servants who have entered the service or workforce at any point in time without possessing the required or customary vaccination or vaccinations are to be dismissed from employment and or service. Their previous salaries will be revoked and made null and void effective immediately on termination. 2) They will have no claim to temporary pensions, full pensions or survivors' benefits, nor to retain designation of rank or titles, or to wear uniforms or emblems.... § 3 1) Civil servants who are not Vaccinated are to be retired (§ 8 ff.); if they are honorary officials, they are to be dismissed from their official status. 2) Section 1 does not apply to civil servants in Congress. Other exceptions may be permitted by the President, or by obtaining a medical or religious exemption approved by a fully vaccinated and loyal member of the current administration. § 4 1) Civil servants whose previous political activities afford no assurance that they will at all times give their fullest support to the national State, can be dismissed from the service.... President of the United States *** ***** Vice President ****** ****** Speaker of the House ***** ****** The Reich Government has enacted the following Law, promulgated herewith: § 1 1) To restore a national professional civil service and to simplify administration, civil servants may be dismissed from office in accordance with the following regulations, even where there would be no grounds for such action under the prevailing Law. 2) For the purposes of this Law the following are to be considered civil servants: direct and indirect officials of the Reich, direct and indirect officials of the Leander , officials of Local Councils, and of Federations of Local Councils, officials of Public Corporations as well as of Institutions and Enterprises of equivalent status...The provisions will apply also to officials of Social Insurance organizations having the status of civil servants.... § 2 1) Civil servants who have entered the service since November 9, 1918, without possessing the required or customary educational background or other qualifications are to be dismissed from the service. Their previous salaries will continue to be paid for a period of three months following their dismissal. 2) They will have no claim to temporary pensions, full pensions or survivors' benefits, nor to retain designation of rank or titles, or to wear uniforms or emblems.... § 3 1) Civil servants who are not of Aryan descent are to be retired (§ 8 ff.); if they are honorary officials, they are to be dismissed from their official status. 2) Section 1 does not apply to civil servants in office from August 1, 1914, who fought at the Front for the German Reich or its Allies in the World War, or whose fathers or sons fell in the World War. Other exceptions may be permitted by the Reich Minister of the Interior in coordination with the Minister concerned or with the highest authorities with respect to civil servants working abroad. § 4 1) Civil servants whose previous political activities afford no assurance that they will at all times give their fullest support to the national State, can be dismissed from the service.... Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler Reich Minister of Interior Frick Reich Minister of Finance Graf Schwerin von Krosigk Source: Reichsgesetzblatt, I, 1933, p. 175. Source: Yad Vashem

Notes and Conclusion

*Names are not added since I don’t want to be accused of libel, nor am I saying that certain individuals actually wrote this aside from the historically documented original included for reference sake.

The simple fact that in 1933 Hitler's Reich gave more initial employment protections to the German Jewish people than our current government is giving to those of us who refuse to “at all times give their fullest support to the national State” by not taking the Fauci Jab should be concerning, even frightening. I can imagine the responses to these comparisons as I’ve heard them before. “That's a conspiracy theory, that's crazy talk, we’re America that can’t happen here, we’ll vote 'em out in the next election…… on and on. We’ve had numerous elections and how often have we truly made an effort to even vote let alone do our research? The thing many seem to miss is that these laws were enacted when Germany was still the Weimar Republic… a democracy not the totalitarian state that it was to become. President Hindenburg was still supposedly in charge, but much like Biden he didn’t know just how insignificant he was. He was still convinced that he had the “Bohemian Corporal” as he contemptibly called him, backed into a corner. Now as then we have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes but as sure as the Republic was swallowed by the python slowly wringing its neck, we are in much the same situation. As the old saying “ the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. So what do we do? What do I advocate? I advocate getting involved with your local politics. I advocate speaking out, and not letting our fears silence us. Our fears of being called racist, or insensitive, or quacks and nutjobs, or being labeled as conspiracy theorists or extremists. How many horrors and atrocities could have been avoided had the German people seen what was coming? Had they stood up and said NO WE WILL NOT COMPLY!! They didn’t see it, but by the grace of God and the blessing of a written and recorded history we can look at the past and learn from it, we can see the writing on the wall and not let our beloved America, America the beautiful, Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, become the Fourth Reich, or an Americanized Soviet Socialist Republic. We are Americans it's high time we started acting like it.

I will add one more short comment here. My fellow Agents and I have been on the receiving end of what I can only term as a form of Psychological Warfare. For the last several weeks we have been getting emails from our superiors twice a week or more indicating that if we don’t get the shot we will be disciplined up to and including termination. It has gone so far that the Assistant Federal Security Director for Colorado has informed us that if we are not vaccinated by November 22nd we will not be allowed to come to work on the 23rd. Her statement was specifically that we would “not be authorized to report for duty” and “will be subject to discipline up to and including removal from federal service.” Once again names will not be included however this is indicative of what we’ve been getting. These emails are only being sent to those of us who haven’t taken the shot and/or haven’t openly agreed to getting it. Add to that the “ticker” on the DHS homepage counting down the days to the demise of our careers and you have the makings of a fear campaign to shame or scare people into violating their own convictions. I for one will say only “Let’s Go Brandon!”

R.L. Malcolm

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1 Comment

Malynda Nelsen
Oct 27, 2021

Amen..... As the old saying “ the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. So what do we do? What do I advocate? I advocate getting involved with your local politics. I advocate speaking out, and not letting our fears silence us. Our fears of being called racist, or insensitive, or quacks and nutjobs, or being labeled as conspiracy theorists or extremists. How many horrors and atrocities could have been avoided had the German people seen what was coming? Had they stood up and said NO WE WILL NOT COMPLY!! They didn’t see it, but by the grace of God and the blessing of a written and recorded history we ca…

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