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2024 Will Be Stolen With A Bit of Voter Fraud - and Tons of Ballot Fraud



Sep 25, 2024

from their Substack

LKY: we need to eliminate Mail-In ballots AND Election machines AND Internet-Connected Voter Roles to get Free and Fair elections .

Bubba lives in an apartment complex, a big one. He is registered to vote but has no apartment number in his voter record.

A ballot is mailed to Bubba, but it is undeliverable. The U.S.P.S. says so.

The ballot is taken to the central Postal Service facility. It is given to a Leftist NGO - with hundreds more.

Wilbur’s voter record places him at a homeless shelter. He registered there 15 years ago, via a Catholic NGO. He long ago moved on. His ballot arrives at the shelter and is voted every year. With dozens of others.

Cleta is a drug addicted, middle aged prostitute.

She was registered to vote, by a Leftist NGO, at the drug rehab facility, 14 years ago. Cleta is dead from AIDS, but the drug facility gets a ballot every year, with a few dozen others, and a green action NGO organization votes them.

Billie is college student.

Billie lives in a fraternity house and votes from there each year. Billie is 105 years old. Billie is a woman, not a guy. Billie votes, absentee, every year for 15 years from that frat house.

So do a dozen others - for over a decade.

Daniel and Marta just moved from Atlanta to Vermont. They are raising alpacas.

They registered in Vermont. They also voted mail-in ballot in Georgia.

They didn’t vote, a Leftist group took the NCOA (change of address list), saw they just moved, had a ballot addressed there, and sent it in.

The Fractal quantum speed analysis finds these anomalies and collects them into the hundreds of thousands - in several swing states.

This is NOT CONVENTIONAL FRAUD! These wrongful cast ballots do not appear in a fraud analysis! If they do, ever, it is long after the election.

No phantoms here - just people who moved on.

Real people. Legit address. Legit ballot. Election manipulation by an NGO or Leftist political apparatus.

The team at Common Sense Elections with their new site is exposing this in Wisconsin - later other states.

One of the great scams perpetrated by the national voter integrity organizations is that conventional election - phantom - fraud is the top way elections are manipulated.

Traditional election fraud is a thing, for sure. It is not the top way elections are manipulated.

Nor are traditional dirty voter rolls.

Nor are phantoms or dead people.

Dirty voter rolls have levels of grime. The national voter integrity groups are like the cheap vacuum cleaners - they identify the big, obvious stuff - like a dead person on a voter roll.

Anyone can find that. Of course, since they cannot hardly ever get people off the voter roll - even the dead guy - how much good is it?

Here - Atlanta - 45,000 challenges - about zippo removed from voter rolls! This is happening all over America.

It’s just data - great for fund raising - and it is NOT actionable.

Since these voter integrity orgs use garbage relational technology, 1980s obsolete technology - they see only the conventional fraud in the system.

Sure it’s there, it’s not that big a deal when compared with the LEGAL, HONEST, MAIL-IN BALLOTS FROM REAL PEOPLE - which are intercepted by NGO ballot mills - and voted for the Leftists.

That’s what our teams discovered after 3 years doing deep analysis of voter rolls - conventional voter fraud is NOT the biggest problem - mail-in ballots being intercepted is the BIG problem.

Members of our team met with U.S. Postal employees - some letter carriers and others in the sorting facilities. When we started this Substack, a number of letter carriers contacted us noting the same thing - the U.S.P.S. is in on it.

The Postal Service collaborates with NGOs and political parties and gives them undeliverable ballots.

The U.S. Postal Service just endorsed a candidate for Pres!

We aren’t delving into all the ways that happens - we covered it before. The point is this: 2024 will be stolen, not by phantoms, but by intercepted mail-in ballots and ballots with no chain of custody.

And the national voter integrity orgs are blind to it!

Unlike the national voter integrity grifters, our team spent the last 3 years loading all kinds of databases to cross search and find these anomalies before they were mailed.

If ballots were mailed, our technology identifies the returned ballot - and flags it before it is counted.

If it is still counted - remember every judge and election official is in total denial - we have clear, compelling evidence of the steal - right down to a picture of the gas station the voter is supposed to live in to the official property tax record showing it is uninhabitable.

What about the newest scam?

Our NGO pals, in this case religious charities, get ballots from the printer - they never go in the mail!

Ballots are filled out, dropped in a drop box - picked up by the voter commission, and counted!

Fortunately they show up in a “cast ballot” list so address matching picks them up.

Much can be done by making all this PUBLIC - particularly as the team at is showing.

Publishing the continual aggregating list of mail-in ballots from LEGALLY INELIGIBLE ADDRESSES (no apartment number) to preposterous addresses (a park bench in a place like Arizona - which is legal) makes the point elections are not on the level.

NGOs are behind a lot of this - and when we show who is funding them - the top banks and mutual funds IN WHICH YOU HAVE YOUR MONEY TODAY - you will be blown away.

The Fractal team built the NGO tracking system - since NGOs are how 95% of all election interference is funded.

Who do you think pays for Lawfare?

Who do you think pays for lawsuits against lawyers who fight for voter integrity?

Who do you think funds the get-out-the-vote in every swing state for Lefties?

It’s the NGOs and nobody ever built an NGO tracking system!

The Fractal guys did and it’s spectacular. Don’t take my word for it, go to the site and watch the video about the Chinese Progressive Association.

Don’t miss the part, in the video showing their former CEO noting how they brought 1,000 people to Pennsylvania in 2020!

Didn’t hear about the Chinese Progressive Association or Tides Advocacy from the national voter integrity groups did you? That’s because they are wed to crap technology and are more about getting funded - to support those quarter of a million dollar salaries!

The only system that can track these groups is ours - and we are publishing video after video of NGOs stealing the 2024 election - supported and funded - by hundreds of millions of dollars - by the largest mutual funds in America.

A full report on is coming on that emerging scandal - you are going to love it and it’s all official government data.

Our team is building a county by county analysis of the STEAL, so not only can we show you the steal, taking place in real time - we will show it by county. If the people run it on their site we will let you know.

If they don’t we will put it up here on Substack. The data is done, we are playing with the graphics.

We want to take you through a thought experiment.

It is November 1.

Both presidential candidates are about even in Wisconsin polls.

The site shows Wisconsin has 45,000 bogus ballots that were cast. Each one has government data showing why it is likely ineligible.

4 days later, one candidate wins Wisconsin by 25,000 votes!

Winner with a 25,000 ballot margin. 45,000 provably ineligible ballots in the mix!

What happens next?

Next post will chat about that possibility - which is more likely to happen than not!

That’s why we are publishing the scoreboard.

Omega4America is a Substack newsletter reporting the application of advanced technology to government databases. A portion of its proceeds are contributed to animal rescue.


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