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912 News Bytes: Montezuma County BOCC Notes 2-11-25


By Dexter Gill

February 12, 2025

This meeting started off as usual with some Land Use issues, parceling off small acreages that will be sold and housing built on. There were two such proposals  that were simple straight forward with no issues.  The Commissioners expressed appreciation for all work being done in line with the Land Use Code. The requested that when the parcels were sold that they ensure the new owners are made aware of Land Use Code and the need to comply with all the rules before starting construction.

In Public Address time,  appreciation was expressed for how the County roads are being maintained and improved, but would like for public users to slow down and drive with some common sense, as the Roads are still just as narrow as they were before new and improved surfaces.    Another commenter requested published and verbal information refrain from using acronyms, please write out and state the whole words.  Reference was made on the  proposed law enforcement union vote, referencing “FOP” , what is that?  Well it is short for Fraternal Order of Police.  Sadly, today  nobody knows the name of most Government Departments and programs.  The President did away with” DEI”, but not many knows what it was, and certainly won’t be missed.

The spring working season is coming quickly, so several agreements were approved and signed ,such as  the annual “wildland fire protection agreement” between the fire districts and the Public lands .,  annual Jail services agreement.  An Agreement between the County and Town of Mancos, for respective planning departments,  to have a “tool” for communication on “Affordable Housing”. 

Among  the agreement actions was a new “Programmatic Agreement” with the BLM  to move ahead with evaluation of Cultural Resources within the “Canyon of the Ancients Monument”, to provide for, maybe sometime in the distant future, possibly open the Flodine/Yellow Jacket Grazing allotments for grazing once again to  manage the forage use and help prevent disastrous wildfires.  For the new comers, when the Monument was established against many local desires, it was promised that grazing allotments would continue.  It has been over 20 years of battles between County and BLM to do what was promised, which has been stopped by such groups as “Great Old Broads for Wilderness” and Grand Canyon Trust, and others declaring need for study of potential damage to “Cultural Resources” by grazing cattle,(which had been grazing for the previous near 100 years).  So now we have a new agreement on how this over twenty year promise might START to get a “study” done per the “Archeological Resources Protection Act”.  As a side humor, when that Act was passed, many land resource management personnel referred to the Act as the “archaeologist employment act”.  How many more years and changes in County BOCC before forage and fire protection/ management happens there?

Liquor license renewals were approved on two sites.  One was a hold- over from previous week due to confusing information on a State claimed underage violation.  Upon examination it was found to have happened by State “sting”, was older and the State never notifying the County BOCC or Sheriff or telling the Business what needs to happen. Very sloppy State operation, not respecting local government.  In discussion, the business is installing new computer equipment to scan ID’s before any sale to verify age, and the business will submit a Plan of Action to be on file to show how it will ensure no future violation of State Liquor laws will happen. The State is going to hold a “liquor license Class” here locally for businesses.

Now on to other information.  The next COFFEE WITH THE COUNTY will take place February 24, 10:00 a.m. in the Council Meeting room.  This meeting will be with the ASSESSORS’s office.  Great time to get the FACTS and be INFORMED.

On the National level, the New Secretary of Interior has been approved, Doug Burgum.  His focus will be renewing Energy development from the federal lands, specifically the BLM lands.  He is already making moves.   This will run counter to Governor Polis’ plans.

On the Colorado level, the Senate just passed  Joint Resolution  RES 25-6 Condemning  President Trump for pardoning  the Jan. 6  participants.   The Resolution passed by 21-12 on straight Party Lines.   It would be nice if they would spend the time and money on legislation that benefitted Colorado Counties and peoples, instead of making contrary statements.

Well that is enough, Just maybe by the time you read this we might have first meaningful  moisture/snow ,  send up your prayers!!!   Lots going on in Washington and Denver by people claiming to save the climate and do what is best for us. We had better be busy taking care of ourselves.


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