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An Incredible Journey With God


Photo by The Fellowship Site

By Sherry Simmons

I recently went through a criminal trial in which I was acquitted by jury. The events before and during my trial are etched into my heart forever.

I was charged with a crime in January of this year and through out the next eleven months I prayed to God for help. I had a sense of peace from the beginning, but often my mind would begin to asks what if..or how to? I do not think I was questioning Gods Faithfulness, but my own human nature. Over the next few months I found myself more consistent in prayer and hungry for scriptures.

A short time before my trial was to began, I remember praying, I was about to ask God to do this or that..for my trial and I was stopped. I can't say if it was audible words or a voice within me but I heard "do not limit God." I immediately knew that I was being told to let God handle this, just trust him, and to stop with all my ideas on what I thought should happen.

I remember this exact moment when I turned it all over, when I gave everything to God. I remember and always will this precise moment I completely gave my trust to my Glorious Heavenly Father.

I was filled with a peace that I can not describe with mortal words. Even now as I write i am consumed with joy. My eyes are teary and my heart is pounding. Almighty God is so Good, and I am his child. The scriptures tell us of this peace, in Philippians 4:7 "And the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus"

I have had this scripture memorized for many years, yet until this event I did not comprehend the unlimited immeasurable depths of the Peace of God which passes all understanding. I was filled and overflowing with peace and a calmness I have never experienced. I was empowered with a boldness, having complete confidence in God. I felt faith flowing through out my Spirit. I no longer had any doubts or any of those what if's.

Though I did not know the outcome of my situation I now completely trusted Gods control. I knew without a doubt everything would be more than okay. I strapped on my faith like cinching a saddle for a hard days ride.

It was my faith in God that empowered me, through the Holy Spirit to keep moving forward.

It is hard to explain some things that began to happen, but I will try. I earnestly sought time in scripture and Prayed more often then I can remember ever before in my life. I stopped interacting on social media and pretty much the outside world. I felt I did not want anything to poison my mind, and I absolutely did not want anything to interfere with my conversations with God. What happened during this time was often indescribable. I found my self praying back scripture to God as if I was reading it right from the passages in the Bible. Though many of the scripture were from memory, as many were not. It was so incredible my heart was on fire. I was experiencing a very connected time with our Creator. I was experiencing the connection with the Holy Spirit. This experience is beyond words of description. My energy was nothing on a normal level and I felt God moving in me. I was at peace complete peace. I knew without doubt that Almighty God would fight my battle.

What an awesome God we serve. Our God who gave his only begotten son to die for us, to defeat death and make a way for us to be with him. This gift is the most incredible gift anyone could ever receive. Yet even through this gift God continues to give us more and more. God never intended for us to face anything alone. He has given us free will. Free will to chose him, free will to believe in our Lord Jesus our Savior, and free will to ask for help.

Free will to ask God to take over, to place our trust in Him. He is faithful just and true. He does not promise us a life on this earth without trouble, he does promise if we trust him he will carry us through any storm. God carried me through this trial. He carried me while he battled the enemy and he prepared a table before my enemies.

I will never be the same spiritually as I was before that day when I completely placed my trust in Him. There were many remarkable events through this ordeal. Events which no one who has a relationship with God, and witnessed could deny that it was with out doubt the Almighty hand of God.

I truly want to encourage anyone who faces a battle, to take deep thought in Our God, to come to realize that every battle we face is a spiritual battle. We must put on the armor of God, we must sharpen our sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God and we must place our trust in our Creator to finish our battle with his victorious will. God knows what is best, he knows ever tear we shed. He knows our thoughts and our mortal self and he know the adversary whispers doubt to us. Giving our trust to God, handing over all control, is a peace without words.. Once we are able to give it to God he will take over and complete his will.

Yes we need to do our part in diligence, but not to go about anything without first asking God the battle plans, and to always say here I am Lord please take over. Asking God to take over is the first step toward your victory. Trusting Him is is the most important.

God is Faithful and true. It is He that fights our battles. We need to get out of the way, stay in prayer, read his word, place our trust in him, and focused on his Glory.

My journey has just begun, I am so thankful that God has allowed me the opportunity to trust him. Blessing rise out of troubles when we thank him for the opportunity to place our trust in him. The Victory is his. Hold on to his promises for he is Faithful and True.

God is my Fortress and my Refuge, in Him I place my trust.



Angel Morris
Dec 18, 2021

Thank you, Sherry, for your courage and faith. Your testimony is an inspiration!

Malynda Nelsen
Dec 23, 2021
Replying to

I totally agree!


Malynda Nelsen
Dec 17, 2021

Thank you Sherry for sharing your story. What a beautiful day it was hearing the verdict Dec 10, 2021


Malynda Nelsen
Dec 17, 2021

Thank you Sherry for sharing your story! What a beautiful it was hearing the verdict Dec 10, 2021

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