Anti - Vax Peaceful Protest In Dovecreek
By Sherry Simmons
On Friday January 21, 2022 a group of concerned community members met to protest. The protest was multi purpose...., first of all vaccinations for children....the vaccine bus and the hidden truth.
The Protesters started their protest with prayer. Holding hands, thanking God for the freedom and liberties to come together, and asking for Gods wisdom to continue to lead them.
The community members gathered around 1:30pm at the Old Sundial parking lot. The property now belongs to the town of Dove Creek after winning the bid in an auction. The protesters held signs and their vehicles were adorned with flags. The signs had different messages as "Defeat the Mandate"," Be informed before you jab the Kids"," Truth- Freedom- Health" and more. The protest was peaceful and received many honks from passing vehicles. When the bus first arrived, seeing the protesters it circled the parking lot then entered from the back side. Not pulling in all the way the bus driver could be seen on his cell phone. Not long after, two Dove Creek Sheriff officers arrived. The officers spoke briefly with the protesters then they entered the bus to speak with the driver.
After a few moments, the officers exited and spoke to the protesters. The protesters had originally parked on street side of the parking lot but moved to the back as to not block any entrances from Main Street. Their vehicles were now in front of the bus. The Officers asked for clearance for the bus to pull forward. There was only one truck in the way and it was moved out of courtesy for the Sheriff deputies.
The bus pulled up parking about 20 feet from the street, and the protesters moved to the street side. There were a few people who came to be vaccinated , none of the protesters interfered or commented to the vaccine participants. It was a peaceful protest all the way.
Dove Creek has joined the ranks of many communities across the nation, many community members tired of the constant push for vaccines. Many feel there is just too many unknowns about the vaccine, too many injuries and deaths, and too much of an over-reach to go after the children. The protesters are firm in their beliefs that the COVID vaccines are dangerous and hold many unanswered questions.