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Attention Parents : Manaugh Announces Covid Tests and Bribes for Students


Below is an announcement email from - Manaugh Elementary School:

From: Todd Hoffman <> Date: Tue, Oct 26, 2021, 10:19 AM Subject: COVID Testing Announcement To: ManaughParents <> Dear Parents and Guardians, I am excited to share that Manaugh Elementary is enrolled in Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s free, voluntary, and statewide COVID-19 school testing program for the 2021-22 school year. This is a critical step to keeping our students and teachers healthy and allowing us to continue in-person learning. The safety of our students and educators is our top priority. Testing will start the first week of November. All students under 18 must obtain parental/guardian consent to participate in this voluntary program. Through Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity (ELC) Reopening Schools award funds, students are eligible to receive an incentive, regardless of their current vaccination status. A participating student will receive $25 for the first COVID-19 test administered to them through this program. A student can then receive $10 for every subsequent test that is administered each week (at a maximum of one incentive allowed per week). Parents may choose to opt out of the individual student incentives. To enroll your child, please visit the portal English: Spanish: Printed enrollment forms will also be available to you upon request. The COVID-19 testing program is available to all students and staff, regardless of vaccination status or presence of symptoms. School testing will be implemented with the help of a state contractor. I’ve linked additional materials for your consideration, including:

For additional questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Jaclyn Hall, RN (970)565-7313. Thank you for helping keep our kids and teachers safe. Sincerely, Whitney Rapp Below are the consent forms for Manaugh Elementary. English Spanish Email to Parents from School Leaders.docx Todd Hoffman Registrar/Secretary Manaugh Elementary School 300 E. 4th Street, Cortez CO 81321 970-565-7691 ext. 5100 fax 970-565-5142 --

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3 comentarios

Susan Kemnetz
01 nov 2021

This is how the communists take over-they lure you in with all the bribes until you are totally dependent on them.

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Malynda Nelsen
27 oct 2021

I bet Jaclyn Hall is feeling real good about this. Where is her continuous as she sits home with her children? This is a conflict of humanity!!! Sleep Well! She even had the courage to put her phone number up there. Wow!!!

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Darlington Katie
29 oct 2021
Contestando a

Its probably her office number, and she's not there. I thought this was a joke, but looks like I was wrong.

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