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Big Brother Will Watch You Drive


BIG BROTHER WILL WATCH YOU DRIVE: Disgusting Infrastructure Bill Installs KILL SWITCHES in All New Vehicles, Turns America into a POLICE STATE

from The Gateway Pundit

By Cullen Linebarger Published January 2, 2023 at 7:45am

My note: do you ever wonder what is in those thousands of pages in a bill that no one is able to read before voting for it (Democrats). Well, this is really scary. Supposedly, we have 5 years before it may be enforced. So if you want a new vehicle, buy it in the next 5 years, then hang on to it forever! This loss of our Rights is horrendous.

Many people view cruising alone down the open road as the ultimate form of freedom. We regret to inform you that liberty will completely evaporate soon unless Congress acts. The website Motorious reported on Friday that former Georgia Congressman Bob Barr has been sounding the alarm on a terrifying item buried within the Biden-McConnell “infrastructure” legislation, which passed in August 2021. According to Barr, the government will now have the power to shut off your vehicle if they determine you are partaking in any “illegal” activity. Does anyone really believe the Biden Regime will not abuse this newly obtained power? Of course, they will! Particularly if such power can effectively target those opposed to the Regime’s agenda. Better not be driving a gas-guzzling vehicle. The Regime might think you are a conservative and leave you stranded in the middle of a highway. Yet another reason to remove Biden as soon as possible. Here are the full details from Motorious: “According to an article written by former U.S. Representative Bob Barr, hidden away in the recently passed infrastructure bill, the very one I warned before would negatively impact drivers across the country if it were to pass, is a measure to install vehicle kill switches into every new car, truck, and SUV sold in this country. The regulation likely won’t be enforced for five years, so maybe there’s time to do something about this.” “As we’ve seen both in this country and others recently, what constitutes “law-abiding” can change drastically overnight. For example, in September a car was pulled over in New Zealand and the occupants arrested when police discovered the trunk was full of Kentucky Fried Chicken meals.” “They were smuggling the fast food to customers in locked-down Auckland, against quarantine measures. Yet not too long before, delivering restaurant orders to people was considered a reputable, legal activity.” “It gets even better: Barr points out that the bill, which has been signed into law by President Biden, states that the kill switch, which is referred to as a safety device, must “passively monitor the performance of a driver of a motor vehicle to accurately identify whether that driver may be impaired.” “In other words, Big Brother will constantly be monitoring how you drive. If you do something the system has been programmed to recognize as driver impairment, your car could just shut off, which could be incredibly dangerous.” “There is the possibility the kill switch program might measure your driving as impaired, then when you try to start the car up again the engine won’t fire up. That would potentially leave you stranded.” “But wait, there’s more. This kill switch “safety” system would be open, or in other words there would be a backdoor. That would allow police or other government authorities to access it whenever.” “Would they need a warrant to do that? Likely not. Even better, hackers could access the backdoor and shut down your vehicle.” To sum this up, your liberty to operate a new vehicle by August 2026 will be subject to some sort of algorithm designed by the Regime. Your car could shut down at any time of day, potentially endangering lives including your own. Just imagine driving 60 mph down a fairly busy highway and suddenly stopping in the middle of nowhere. On top of this, your Fourth Amendment rights will dissipate completely. The cops will have the legal authority to loot your automobile until they discover something they can lock you up for. Police officers often abuse authority so they can rack up arrests. The clock is ticking fast on liberty. America will officially become a total police state barring a change in fortune.



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