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Big Or Small


The enemy, or adversary, is against anything that is good and from the Lord.

Big or small spiritual battles make no difference. God desires to reign over our day in every capacity.

When we come to a place in our daily walk with God when we realize the battle is not ours but the Lords, that is when we are transformed.

We are powerless in our self but God of all creation is not.

He controls the universe.

So often we try to figure out how to handle things on our own. We may pray for help but never really give it to God.

When we can come to a point and realize that everything that is not of God is against God, that is a powerful beautiful moment. It is in this moment we submit, we give the battle to God. Take your position and wait upon the Lord. Read 2 Chronicles 20. King Jehosphaphat turned to the Lord for help. "This is what the Lord says: Do not be afraid! Don’t be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God’s."

Every battle we face big or small, should be turned over to Our Father. It is He that goes before us, it is He who has victory.

It is so much of our human nature to try and solve our troubles ourselves, too often we only turn to God when we face huge problems. I do believe when we give him our small battles our bigger battles will go before him through our faith. Trust in Him he has never failed us or forsaken us, but it is us who try to go it alone. The battle is not ours but the Lords, receive this truth, and trust in our Almighty Holy God.

What ever battle you may face big or small hand it over, take your position as a child of the Most High, and wait on the Lord.

Once we can come to that place, that knowledge that it is God and God alone who fights for us, the battle field is cleared for the Glory of God.

He parts the sea, he lifts us up above the flames, he prepares a table for us in front of our enemies he sets us high above the darkness. He sits us at the table as the children of Almighty God heirs to his eternal kingdom, as we watch his might and glory.

I pray that we all steadfastly learn more and more of God's Almighty blessings it is indeed Almighty God who fights for us.

What ever storm/ battle you are facing, hand it over, believe, and watch the Glory of our God.



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