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Bill Gates says having an electronic tattoo on each person will become part of everyday life


An electronic tattoo will soon become part of our everyday lives according to Microsoft co-founder, Bill Gates

Bill Gates is the co-founder of Microsoft and a renowned philanthropist, who is clearly an authority on all things to do with the future of technology. Now, he is predicting that the electronic tattoo will become an integral part of, and revolutionise, our everyday lives, at some point in the future.

An electronic, or digital tattoo, is an innovative method that seeks to collect and analyse data from the human body by taking advantage of the application of biotechnology. The special ingredient in making this function correctly is apparently the special ink used to apply the tattoo.

It will allegedly contain some tiny sensors and trackers, which subsequently conduct electricity that will be used to send and receive information, something that is known as a Near Field Communication (NFC) chip.

Bill Gates said in a recent Instagram post that he believes that regardless of the fact that the technology is still in a very early stage of development, it has all the potential to replace today’s smartphones. The company behind this pioneering technology is called Chaotic Moon Studios, and it is currently focusing specifically on the medical field.

With the functionalities of these electronic tattoos, he envisages a future where the use of sensors, trackers, and other wearable devices akin to digital tattoos can be used to communicate, send messages, and make phone calls.

With an electronic tattoo, you will reportedly be able to monitor whether your body is working properly or not. If, for example, you showed signs of fever or other illnesses, you would receive a notification immediately. It would also have the function of notifying your doctor at the same time if you wished.

You would apparently be able to monitor your daily activities through this technology. The company is also working on a way to store medical documents in a digital format in these tattoos. That will mean they are accessible from anywhere. and at any time, reducing the chances of the loss or unavailability of documents, as reported by

1 Comment

Igor Izhchenkov
Nov 06, 2022

Why hasn't anyone ENDED this sick, evil degenerate Phuk yet???

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