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Denver mayor doubles down on blocking feds from deportation efforts


Nov 25, 2024

from Colorado Peak Politics

Denver Mayor Johnston went viral on twitter over the weekend for threatening an insurrection if Trump tries keeping his campaign promise to deport Biden’s border busters already in jails for committing crimes.

Johnston said last week he would send police to city limits to block immigration officials and threatened to bring the wrath of Highland neighborhood moms down on law enforcement in a protest not seen since Tiananmen Square.

After an interview with 9News and given a chance to walk back his comments, Johnston did not.

Yet media headlines proclaimed that he did.

Asked about using Denver police to physically block immigration officials from entering the city, Johnson didn’t say he wouldn’t do it.

“We really hope that we don’t ever have to do that,” he said.

That’s like telling your child you hope you don’t have to take away their cell phone as punishment, while holding the SIM card over the toilet.

Now he’s willing to protest with residents, and go to jail for it.

Johnston did not say he would not commit these actions, but that he hopes he can avoid doing exactly what he said he would do.

This interview is why 9News has the reputation of chief propogandist for the Democrat Party. Don’t listen to what the interviewer suggests the mayor should say, listen carefully to the mayor’s answers.

Johnston did not back down.

Johnston says migrants who commit violent crimes should be deported, but that’s because city ordinance only permits those who have committed felonies to be turned over to immigration officials.

Remember that the next time the Democrat-controlled state legislature defelonizes more crimes, like possession of Fentanyl.

Johnston said he fully expects Denver residents to turn out in protest if immigration officials try to clear out the jails, because apparently civil disobedience is the new insurrection against the federal government.

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul told Face the Nation Sunday that Johnston’s insurrection could land the mayor in jail for breaking federal law, and prevent him from finishing his term as mayor.

Coloradans should be so lucky.

And shame on Johnston and Democrats for scaring children into believing that Trump is going to bust into schools to take away children and come into random homes to deport grandmothers.

No wonder the children and adults in this state require so much psychological care and medication.

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