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EVIL: Western Australia bans the unvaccinated from visiting their own children in the hospital


Photo Credit Natural News

Saturday, February 12, 2022 by: Ethan Huff Tags: badhealth, badmedicine, children, COVID, cruelty, Dangerous Medicine, doctors, evil, fascism, hospital homicide, Hospitals, pandemic, Plandemic, Twisted, unvaccinated, Western Australia This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author

Natural News) Mark McGowan, the premiere of Western Australia, is upping the ante once again with his endless stream of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) tyranny.

From now on, parents who are unvaccinated will not be allowed to enter state hospitals to visit their loved ones. This includes sick relatives and even the parents’ children.

“West Australian parents who are unvaccinated will be banned from seeing their own sick children in the state’s hospitals under the new strict laws drawn up by Premier Mark McGowan,” announced a host on the “Sunrise” program (watch below).

“The tough new rules will come into play from January 31. Only those with exemptions from the vaccine or under compassionate grounds, including end-of-life visits, will be allowed to step inside the hospitals, which includes visiting their own kids.”

Forced vaccination is medical fascism

One of the men interviewed during the segment revealed that McGowan is in agreement with the prime minister who also believes that all Australians need to be forcibly “vaccinated” or else have their rights taken away from them.

“So, it becomes the ultimate test, doesn’t it?” this person asked.

“If you’re unvaccinated and you’re going to what’s deemed a ‘high risk’ area, i.e., a hospital or an aged care facility, the ability to go and see your loved one if you’re unvaccinated may well be taken away from you. And could that be the trigger to make you change your mind? And I guess that’s the force at play here. It’s a tough decision, isn’t it?"

EVIL: Western Australia bans the unvaccinated from visiting their own children in the hospital Saturday, February 12, 2022 by: Ethan Huff Tags: badhealth, badmedicine, children, COVID, cruelty, Dangerous Medicine, doctors, evil, fascism, hospital homicide, Hospitals, pandemic, Plandemic, Twisted, unvaccinated, Western Australia This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author Bypass censorship by sharing this link: Copy URL 4,550Views

(Natural News) Mark McGowan, the premiere of Western Australia, is upping the ante once again with his endless stream of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) tyranny.

From now on, parents who are unvaccinated will not be allowed to enter state hospitals to visit their loved ones. This includes sick relatives and even the parents’ children.

“West Australian parents who are unvaccinated will be banned from seeing their own sick children in the state’s hospitals under the new strict laws drawn up by Premier Mark McGowan,” announced a host on the “Sunrise” program (watch below).

“The tough new rules will come into play from January 31. Only those with exemptions from the vaccine or under compassionate grounds, including end-of-life visits, will be allowed to step inside the hospitals, which includes visiting their own kids.”

Forced vaccination is medical fascism

One of the men interviewed during the segment revealed that McGowan is in agreement with the prime minister who also believes that all Australians need to be forcibly “vaccinated” or else have their rights taken away from them.

“So, it becomes the ultimate test, doesn’t it?” this person asked.

“If you’re unvaccinated and you’re going to what’s deemed a ‘high risk’ area, i.e., a hospital or an aged care facility, the ability to go and see your loved one if you’re unvaccinated may well be taken away from you. And could that be the trigger to make you change your mind? And I guess that’s the force at play here. It’s a tough decision, isn’t it?”

“What would a parent do? Confronted by that, would it make you change your philosophy? Maybe it would, and maybe that’s what the government is banking on.”

The Herald columnist and blogger Susie O’Brien agrees. She told the host and the man that she is “all for this” and that “this is not about the rights of parents” but rather about “the rights of the sick kids and the rights of the elderly to stay as safe as possible at a time where we know we’re dealing with a very virulent strain of the disease.”

“And if you are unvaccinated without a good reason, without a valid exemption, then you are going to find your movements curtailed,” O’Brien added smugly.

“I think this is what the government needs to do at this point to really shock and challenge people into it – change their philosophy, change their action, and get vaccinated.”

“Yeah,” responded the host. “Other states have had various forms of this and people have had time, I mean really,” she snarled.

Right now, the requirement only includes the first two injections and not the “booster” shots. That will be changing later on down the road, though, according to what was explained during the segment.

Eventually, Aussies will need to take every booster that the government demands in order to remain in compliance.

“Oz is already looking like a communist paradise,” wrote someone in response to the news. “Communist = CON U MUST because thieving corrupt politicians (as opposed to the decent law-abiding ones) have nothing to offer but lies, pain and suffering. (They are to be found in every political party, but on the ‘left’ they’re out in the open).”

“In politics, as in life, the opposite of right is WRONG. The term ‘left’ was invented to obscure this.”

Another pointed out that Australia’s current leadership is a load of garbage that desperately needs to be taken to the dump.

“Are they all commies (it will never change), or just enough to pass stupid laws (hopefully with a chance to repeal)?” this same person asked.

The latest news about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) tyranny can be found at

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