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FC 912 news bytes: BOCC meeting Jan 7


By Dexter Gill

January 7, 2024

The BOCC meeting this week was a real short  quickie.  It went so fast my notes were scribbles, so it turned out that some “minutes” were posted on the County Face Book Page, and they were excellent, so I copied and pasted them here, I have added a couple notes hi-lighted in bold italics , indicating my additions for emphasizing my thoughts.  Thanks for the County being visual!

At the January 7 BOCC meeting, the Commissioners:

-approved a resolution authorizing a bank account for the Sheriff’s Office for reimbursement of fees

-approved several contracts and grants for Senior Services, Social Services and MoCo Transportation, including the design for vehicle wraps for all the MoCo Transportation vehicles

-approved the 2025 Organization of the Board and the 2025 BOCC schedule . (the Board positions, committee assignments and meeting schedule all  remains the same as past).

-tabled a resolution for additional financial controls of the Sheriff’s Office

-rescinded Resolution 2-2015, A Resolution Supporting Renewable Energy (The resolution explains well, stating “NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Montezuma County Board of County Commissioners are committed to encouraging and promoting the growth of all forms of renewable energy development within Montezuma County.”)

-approved liquor license renewal applications for Pleasant View Liquor and Love’s Travel Center

BOCC workshops and meetings are livestreamed on the County’s YouTube channel. A link is available on the County website homepage.

REMINDER- Join the Commissioners at a Traveling Town Hall meeting on Monday, January 13, at the Mancos Community Center. Bring your questions, comments, and concerns to the Commissioners between 6:00 and 8:00 pm.


Commissioners Lindsay and Koppenhafer will be sworn in for their new term at 10:00 am at Montezuma County Combined Courts. The BOCC meeting will begin at 11:00 am, followed by a Board of Health meeting at 1:30 pm.

(Legal activity indicated Road 41 fence issue has resulted in the property owner will remove the fence this week.  The Dollar Store is moving forward with papers to be in the Court for it’s action.  A New complaint has been received enlisting County attention regarding a “Stinky Pond”. The interesting issues the County deals with between the peoples)

On the Bigger Picture, the BLM making last minute approvals of revised management plans, one such 3,500 acre Solar farm in LaPaz County, AZ, just 30 miles west of Tonopah,  while Pres.Biden just admitted that China has the capability to collapse our Electric grid.  Keep in mind what Colorado has done to our electric generation and future.  Think and Plan LOCAL COUNTY!   Interesting days ahead folks, we need to become a “People” of each County, putting our Trust in our Creator God for our future for His purpose.

By the Way did you know, Poland makes firearms training mandatory in schools?  Hmm what a thought!    Also, now some talk about interest in Greenland becoming American "Territory", some Green landers don't like the Denmark Socialist government.  another hmmm. 

Tighten the Cinch for the ride ahead!


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