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FC 912 news Bytes: BOCC Notes 4-30-24 Plus


By Dexter Gill 5-1-24

Commission today kicked off with discussion regarding the much controversial “High Impact Permit” request for the proposed Dollar General Store on Hwy 145/Rd N. Discussions related on concerns from the last Hearing relating to “commercial”, traffic impact, property values, water quantity availability, and Rural Character. After discussion, the vote was to “deny” the high Impact permit by vote of 2/1.  The Atty. cautioned that they should show in the record that the decision was based upon the code criteria of the LUC, not due to any dislike of the business being specifically the “Dollar General”. 

(This process was a good example of how government action should be conducted. The LUC was/is lacking in definition and specificity in many of the concerns discussed, leaving the decision to each individual Commissioners subjective view, as to compliance with the intent of the Land Use Code(LUC).  The vote indicated we have Commissioners that each weighed their individual view seriously, seeking to ensure it complied with the LUC as the controlling “law” as best they could decipher it did, not the varied opinions of the public. It certainly showed how the LUC needs some serious “updating” to clear up much of the “subjective” criteria for future Actions and Boards. Keep in mind that the LUC was initially approved by only 51% of the voters that actually returned their ballots so any decisions will only please 50% of people at best.)

In other actions, the Cortez City Clerk expressed appreciation for the County Clerk and Recorders office in conducting the recent City Council election for the City.  Great working together.  (It is good to see better City/County relationship slowly taking place).

The Veterans office is in full operation, and Mr. Torrez is on board working to  find a fulltime officer to keep the service office going in the future for the benefit of all our Veterans.

Board actions approved applications for some grants, one of note was for $550K for Community Intervention program.   Another annual program for Health Dept. Air Monitoring for $30K.  Letters of Support for City of Cortez “Water Smart” program for “sod replacement” etc. (Water use/waste is growing concern here, new comers don’t realize we are in the High Desert, our annual precipitation is like Tucson, AZ).

A support letter for Four Corners Outdoors Shooting Range was approved for the State Land Board to continue the lease.

 Fair Board requested a Special Event Liquor license for the upcoming Fair JULY26-Aug.3.  Approved. Get ready for the Fair!!!

County Sales Tax for Law Enforcement proposal was approved via Resolution 5-2024, for submittal to be on the November Ballot for YOU to vote on.  The State Dept. of Revenue estimates potential income to be over Eight (8) million, when considering the exemption items that had been proposed.

In other Items, The State Legislative session ends in another week, Thank  the Lord!!  One result is there will be another re-write of the Property rate system to  see if they can screw up what they have screwed up, ????  They still have about 10 gun bills floating around, they don’t seem to know the difference between their guns and their rifles.  (Virtually ALL laws, require Voluntary Compliance by all, to be effective! Bad laws make law breakers out of  honest God fearing people!)

Congress saw the GOP House pass “Delisting” of the Wolf as endangered, on party lines, The Senate will not likely pass it, if it does, Biden will veto per UN enviro direction. 

Much action is  circulating on Western Water sheds as the weather is showing drought in areas.  The international enviros are using the climate to stop energy development via mining and Oil and Gas production.  Alaska, had a Bill in Congress H.R. 6285 “Alaska’s Right to Produce Act”, and H.R.2925 the “Mining Regulatory Act”, introduced, which has bi-partisan support, but will be vetoed by the President. 

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), a country of it’s own, is making a “Rule” change to use the Landscape Planning process to use “Areas of Critical Environmental Concern” (ACEC), to block energy development.

This should be enough to get you to Check out the Candidates for Congressional office and State Legislature coming up.  One question you can ask them is: What will you do to STOP the establishment of the Dolores River Canyon National Monument?  Second question, “What will you do to establish local County Governments as the sole “Stake Holder” working with All federal land agencies in management and use of the lands and resources within each County.?

Enough for today?


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