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FC 912 News Bytes: Montezuma BOCC Notes and more 11-19-24


By Dexter Gill

Today’s meeting kicked off with two Land Use Code proposals.  The first was a proposed 36 acre planned subdivision with 8 lots East on Road H, east of road 30.  While the plan seems to meet the LUC, numerous oppositions were expressed by near-by land owners, mostly citing the LUC criteria of “Rural Character” and depressing the neighboring “Land Values”.  At least two “pro” comments were made.  To provide time to evaluate several unopened comments, the Hearing was “Continued” until the 26th.        The second LUC request was for a “Set Back Variance” to build a greenhouse as part of a “home business” on a one acre lot.   Variances are not to gain approval to violate the purpose of the LUC, so was denied.

In Public Address time, a letter was presented requesting  revision to be made on previous resolution regarding  use of agricultural land for commercial Solar energy projects.  A second commenter referenced opposition to a specific named project proposal, which was deemed a “hearsay “ at this point, as there has been no proposal received by the County. Consequently the BOCC cannot hear or accept comments on a matter that is not before the County.

Last week it was noted that the Attorney for the BOCC  had left to fill a local Judge office.  Today the new Attorney selected  is Steve Tarnowski, who has been Assistant Attorney working on Social Services issues, which seem to be numerous.  He will be filling two pair of shoes for a time.

The Supplemental budget request from the Sheriff’s office, held over from last week, was found to need more time to finalize actual needs and possibly locate funds  available.  All actions will be completed by Dec. 17.  All involved want to assure there will be NO need to be concerned with jobs and salary.  Business as usual for ALL concerned.  The necessary actions will be taken to finish the year and start the new year with an improved new revised budget  and work plan.  The  Question regarding the annual Animal Shelter Inter-government agreement (IGA) between the Sheriff office and the Cortez Animal Shelter,  was approved, as well as an “organization and financial analysis” to be conducted on the office.

The new Attorney is on top of the previous on going Issue such as the “Ironwood Mill” residue, which he reported that the legal settlement has been “Reduced to Judgement”, which I understand means the fines Ironwood has been paying for non-compliance, will be turned over to the County and State, to have the clean-uptake place.  FINALLY.   The Dollar Store court action has been extended to January 10th.   The Joint County Severance Tax is still in the processing.  The Unemployment compensation challenge had been appealed and appealed and it was decided to end it, even though the State is clearly not complying with its own law.   The Habeas Corpus case against the Sheriff, is being looked at and There are several Court dates  in the next couple of weeks on Social Services  actions.  Whew! The Courts rule the Country! 


The Commissioners were in a long “legal training” on their Responsibility and Authority under State Statutes. This was well above and beyond the “short course” they all go through in Denver.  This will be very helpful as we head into the days and year ahead with many “legal questions and challenges “, over the many legislative actions at both State and Federal level that will challenge our local Health, Safety and Welfare (Economy), as we struggle to survive in the midst of the battle between Governor Polis and President Trump  over the very Responsibilities that the County Commissions are charged with, Health, Safety and Welfare (economy). Folks, WE the People of the Counties are going to have to come together as ONE, Under God and the Constitution, not be separated by political party ideologies.     The County Clerk reported that the Election results will be “Certified” by the End of the month, as per State Statutes.

The Weeks ahead are going to be a melee of efforts in Congress to get Bills passed at the last minute.  One such Bill is reported to be the Dolores Canyon NCA.

On the National interest, the Candidate for Secretary of Interior will be the current Governor of North Dakota, and the Secretary of Education will be Linda McMahan, the CEO and joint founder of WWE. Medicare and Medicaid to be headed by Dr. OZ.   Sounds good.   Also, of note is this week the DEMS filled many Federal Court Justice positions around the Country. Hmmm.

Two special notes Locally, REMEMBER, “Coffee with the County”,  Monday the 25th 10 A.M. In the County Commission room.  SECOND,  the Veterans Christmas Craft Fair is Nov. 30th 9-3 in the County Annex.   

Get ready for Thanks Giving Day  coming up next week .  We have so much to thank the Lord for!!!

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