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FC 912 news Bytes October 29

By Dexter Gill

Notes from BOCC meeting October 29 & news

The last couple of weeks have been quite brief with Land Use issues noticeably missing.  However in Public address time, requests are being made to consider rescinding previous County Resolution 2-2015 which provided for solar panels in the County. Concerns are that the Agriculture lands will be turned to producing electric power instead of food products.   Another concern was expressed on the 29th regarding traffic hazard conditions on Hwy 184 between mile markers 12 and 23.  It seems multiple serious accidents are occurring there.  The parties are requesting the BOCC to approach the CDOT to conduct traffic studies to see what can be done to improve safety.

In other matters, funding transfer of was approved to finish paving the Hay Camp Road.   The Forest Service was seeking support letter to secure funding from Colorado Parks and Wildlife recreation funds for motorized trail construction.  This is a regular program each year, and was approved.

Funding transfer of $39,765 was approved from General fund to Public Health fund. It was noted that this is a regular action.  The Health Dept. is funded by the State and the County houses and contributes $1.50 per each employ’s salary to keep the books legal.   Speaking of health, the Annual review of health insurance for County employees has been reviewed, looking for best benefits for employee while keeping both employee contribution and County contributions as low as possible, Was recommended and approved to change from Cigna to United Health.

The County Atty is kept busy, still dealing with the Dollar Store challenge in Court as well as a new claim against the Sheriff in a past medical issue.  It seems life these days is managed in courts. I read that 75% of lawyers in the World are in the United States, hmmm.   Normal life still goes on in Mancos, where it was reported that Three (3) bears were removed from near the school, and Town of Dolores is working on water and getting prepared for snow removal     One SPECIAL NOTE is the Monthly “Coffee with the County” is going quite well, they had about 22 or 23 public at the last one.  It is an “Informal” question and discussion time on what ever your question is about County operations. This is the time to find out what you don’t know, and that can be surprising, just like the $1.50 salary the County pays to Health Dept., and the list of property taxes that the County Government does NOT get.  Next Coffee with the County is November 25th, 10 a.m. Put it on your Calendar

VOTING, have you voted???  Did you not get a Ballot? Check in the Clerks office for a replacement!!!

A couple of items of interest.  State of Utah has filed for legal action seeking SCOTUS to hear claim that the Federal Government, via the Interior Dept., BLM, cannot indefinitely hold ownership of lands within a States boundary. To date there 11 other States and several organizations joining in the action. Colorado is not one, but certainly should be.  A big percentage of our financial and social issues are due to the federal land issue.

News reports that TRI-STATE electric, which supplies our power, has secured a 2.5 Billion dollar government loan to retire existing coal plants and to build new “renewable” plants (ie) solar fields I CO,WY,NM and AZ.  It claims to provide 2000 new jobs. (nothing is said how long the 2000 construction jobs will last and how many existing plant jobs will be lost.  But it will save carbon emissions)

Just a news note out is that the Secretary of States Office, “accidentally” put the Computer access system passwords out “ON LINE”.  But has assured us the voting will be secure. County Clerk Peters should feel better about that.

Just a closing note, THIS SUNDAY, Nov. 3 is “Daylight savings” to cash in all that you saved.  Key time to remember is “FALL BACK”, so turn the clock arms BACK one hour, and you have no excuse for being late for Church.  Well your wrist computer will probably have already done it for you. .  Oh well

Be sure to VOTE.

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1 Comment

Daos Duva
Nov 01

Tri State is becoming a real problem. Their priority has changed from supplying reliable power, to pleasing the hard core environmental nut cases out there. They seem too focused on pursuing government grants to screw up the countryside. The ugly solar panel fields look terrible and often take up good farm land with a history of producing food for us and the animals we like to eat. Time to start pushing back on this garbage.

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