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FC 912 News Bytes, Summary of BOCC 3-25-24 Plus More


By Dexter Gill 3-27-24

Things are getting hot already, tighten the cinch folks, it is going to get even hotter for the rest of this year and longer.. If you don't believe in God, you might want to re-think that!

This meeting (BOCC 3-25-24) was brief, with minimum Land Use issues, whew!   The Public Address time began with more concern on Voter Integrity, with need for cleaning up voter rolls and having in-person, ID , Paper and hand counting.  Another concern raised was the numerous Grants for Enforcement, that seem to fund support of “red flag” laws. 


Several  routine actions that were decisions following the Monday “Work Session”, If you want to know the discussions, you can see/hear those by accessing the Workshop  on the County website, which records all such meetings.  

One of note was a letter of support for SW Health System for grant to upgrade emergency equipment/facility.  

The County “Weed Office” has been re-structured, ie. Pared down, to just providing what is required under State Statutes.  The operation will be overseen by the Natural Resources Office.       

In Reports, the Ironwood mill issue is still in court  and the company is seeking to be able to use the excess  “product material” for Bio-Char that would produce a valuable product which would off-set costs in removing/cleaning up.   

The Ag Expo was good one.   

The Dolores Town meet on the Sheriff Contract was tabled.  

The Veterans Service Office ,having lost the staff will be able to have past officer Rick Torrez to return temporarily to fill in, he will be flying in next week, Good to have you back Mr. Torrez.

Special meeting was held at 2 p.m. with Dolores and San Miguel Counties BOCC’s regarding the proposed Natural Conservation Area (NCA) and the potential problem of the enviro outsider’s proposal for a Dolores River Canyon National Monument.  At the meeting were local  representatives for Congressional Rep.  Lauren Boebert and Senator Bennet.  Concerns expressed was that the two Congressional  offices get the NCA approved ASAP, and requested a timeline from Boeberts office.  The concern is that after several years of getting the NCA into Congress, and approved by the Senate and in the house where it is “on hold”, apparently due to an amendment now in the House regarding the 1906 Antiquities preservation Act that has been brought into question as the President has full unilateral authority to declare/establish National Monuments but not NCA’s which must go through Congress.  Confusion reigns over the difference of the two. 

So What, and what is the difference?  Commissioner Koppenhaffer explained quite well that, the NCA management is controlled via the County coalitions with the BLM, while the National Monument is managed and controlled by the BLM, which makes their own rules and regulations. ALSO, the monument status being of “Wild and Scenic” qualities , will require all old and new qualities such as all plant and animal species identified by Endangered Species Act to be protected AND enhanced.  History has shown Water Rights upstream will be over ridden, thus severely reducing and ending valid agriculture in the Montezuma Valley in the future.   It is imperative that 1. The NCA be approved soon! 2. The Dolores River Canyon Monument be Stopped, Cancelled etc.


NOW, for our own added info etc.  RE: the Amendment Boeberts asst. commented on, it appears to be a result of a previous action on a lawsuit challenging the 1906 Antiquities Preservation Act providing unrestricted power to establish Monuments.  This had been sent to SCOTUS, which on THIS MONDAY Scotus refused to review it.  Apparently the NCA had been “on hold” during this request for review.  Also likely, the mentioned “Amendment” H.R. 5499, had been prepared to correct the failure of the antiquated Antiquities act, to require Presidential designations for National Monuments to also be “Approved by Congress”!  So that needs to be pushed ASAP.   It was mentioned that both the Forest Service and BLM are testifying in opposition to the Amendment, which is the employees telling the CEO what to do.   That action clearly indicates, these “United States” are not what we have all believed. 

The problem we are faced with here is only one part of a much larger attack on the entire country’s economy and survival, using the “Climate Crises” as justification to destroy the once upon a time, United States.  Locally, we are in the basement of a large house, arguing over what color to paint the walls while the house above is fully on fire and the neighbors are complaining about the noise and smoke ruining their recreation experience.  There is another overview of the land issue that I will send out as a separate post that may help clarify the issue. (see "We the People of ? "posted on 4-1-24)

"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts."--Betrand Russell (1872-1970) British author, mathematician and philosopher.

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