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Food For Thought


Dexter Gill

Good Article

Have you wondered why there has been such a push to end oil and gas production here in Colorado,as well as elsewhere? Same goes for establishing "locked up" federal lands, "saving" them from Drilling and mining and development. The so called Environmental Corporations have working Congress on Bills like DeGettes CORE Act to lock up more wilderness to "save" it. As we have suspected, there is the real Russian connection that is being exposed now . The State GOP is calling out the Enviro's. Your gas price is on the Enviros "dirty hands"! Attached below at the bottom is a news release out today explaining what has been going on. Open and read and weep. That is very close to treasonous,it seems. Elections for the Cortez City Council is coming soon, Local GOP Assembly Caucus is this Friday. Tonight the Dolores town Mayor is being elected. In all the flurry, CHECK OUT the candidates, there will be tough times ahead, don't rely on what they say they will do for you, that you like.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 7, 2022 COGOP Calls On Environmental Groups To Divest And Donate Any Russian Contributions "We were even up against phony environmental groups, and I’m a big environmentalist, but these were funded by the Russians.." - Hillary Clinton

Greenwood Village, CO - Colorado GOP Chairwoman Kristi Burton Brown released the following statement today calling on Colorado affiliated environmental groups to divest and donate any Russian contributions they have received. As the Guardian reported several years ago, Russia has worked with environmental groups to oppose fracking to ensure that countries "maintain reliance on Russian gas." Furthermore, 2016 Democrat Presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, accused Russia of funding "environmental groups" to oppose fracking in the United States. At the time, Clinton was gearing up for a failed presidential run and had this to say: "We were up against Russia pushing oligarchs and others to buy media. We were even up against phony environmental groups, and I’m a big environmentalist, but these were funded by the Russians to stand against any effort, ‘Oh that pipeline, that fracking, that whatever will be a problem for you,’ and a lot of the money supporting that message was coming from Russia,” Mrs. Clinton said in her remarks.

Now more than ever, we call on these dark money environmental groups to divest from Russia and other countries that seek to completely destroy our energy industries and return those donations. There are several big name Colorado, dark money groups that should be asked whether or not they have worked in conjunction with Russia to ban oil and natural gas development in Colorado and across the country. Colorado's Dark Money Environmental Groups

As you all probably know, there are numerous dark money, environmental lobbying groups that have spent the better part of the past decade working to ban responsible natural gas and oil development across Colorado. While there have been many reports and articles written about oil and gas, less attention and scrutiny has been paid to far-left environmental groups that, according to Secretary Clinton, were partially funded or supported by Russia. In 2014, under the Obama- Biden Administration, Russia invaded Crimea. Then NATO Chief Rasmussen warned that Russia was covertly working to undermine European and U.S. fossil fuel production.

Statement from Colorado GOP Chairwoman Kristi Burton Brown: "It's been widely reported that Russia funded and used environmental groups around the world to do their dirty work and slander the oil and gas industries that weren't based in Russia. It's time we get to the bottom of WHO is funding the dark money, radical environmental groups that operate within Colorado and the West. Colorado families are paying more at the pump because of the failed anti-energy policies of the Biden-Harris Administration and because of Russia's illegal decision to invade Ukraine. Our country needs energy independence NOW. Colorado can help provide the energy we need -- but first, Polis and Biden must take the government boot off the neck of our energy industry. American energy independence is the only thing that will have long-lasting and negative repercussions for Putin and his terrorist regime. "It's also time to look into these radical environmental groups who have spent years working to stifle energy independence and demand that they donate and divest any donations they have received from Russia or Russian-affiliated companies and groups."



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