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Freedom Night THANK YOU


The Republican Women of Montezuma County would like to THANK all the people and businesses that were involved in making our FREEDOM NIGHT a great success. We had a sold-out crowd; everyone had a great time and we raised over $20,000 for Republican Candidates. Thank you to Allen Maez Chairman of the MCRCC for giving the Republican Women this opportunity to have this event. We are especially grateful to Susan Lisak and Emiko South for organizing the ticket sales, table seating and checking the attendants in. Thank you also to Larry Don Suckla our Emcee, Verde Auctions for the incredible and FUN Live auction, Frances Roggenback for the beautiful and original decorations, Mike and Lynn Lynch for organizing the Silent auction at the event, the ladies that provided Texas sheet cakes for dessert and all the other volunteers that helped selling tickets, soliciting donations and helping with set up. We also appreciate the Cortez Elks for taking on this project! Thank you to those listed below for their donations. Forgive us if we forgot anyone

Allen & Valerie Maez

Anonymous Donors


Breitenbach Chiropractic

Bubba’s Restaurant

Choice Building Supply

Clay Russell

Conservative Grounds

Cortez Chiropractic

Cortez Smiles

Creative Inspirations

Cruzan Irrigation

Cula Garner

Deborah Huskey

Defenders of the Republic

Dorothy Dodd

Dove Creek Implement

Eric Wilson

Frances Roggenback

Glenn Leighton

Harold Gray with McElmo Gun Works

Holgates Repair

J Fargo’s

Jackie Hanson

Kohana Enterprises

Larry Don Suckla - Emcee

Linda Lynch

Lori York

Love on a Hanger

Main Street Brewery

Mathew Walk-In Haircuts

McElmo Gun Works

Mesa Media Productions

Mick Treinen

Mindy Nelsen

Napa Auto Parts

Notah Dineh

Pawsitive K9 Connection

Ron Serabia

Sew by So

Sherry Simmons


Superior Auto Supply

Superior Interiors

Susan Lisak

The Cortez Chronicles

The Gettin’ Place

The Good Life Pet Supply

The Haven Mercantile

Tiffany Gray

Tim Meyer & Shelley Poole (Sinclair,

Bangers, State Line Bar & Grill,

Midnight Trucking & Midnight Fuels)

Tuffy & Linda Randolph

Verde Auction Service

Westslope Liquors

Yellow Car Country Wines!



Vanessa Ruggles
Nov 06, 2022

You all put on such an amazing event, thank you. I am so glad Dale and I attended. I heard so many great comments especially about how good the food was. The table decorations were so beautiful. Vanessa Ruggles


Merry Freestone
Nov 05, 2022

Great night! Lauren Boebert and Shelli Shaw gave excellent speeches and I

believe Lauren will continue to represent us well and Shelli will be just what we need in Colorado as well. I appreciate the hard work of all those listed above to make this a great event and all those who took part in the auction, buying the great things donated by businesses. We expect they will go forward and represent us I well in rural Colorado.

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