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Gerald Koppenhafer appointed as County Commissioner for Mancos District 3

Tammy Coulon

By Tammy Coulon

The Republican Committee had a tough job to do this evening of appointing a candidate for Montezuma County Commissioner. After the death of Commissioner Joel Joe Stevenson.

A pool of 10 candidates stepped forward for the position. Each candidate was given three minutes to introduce themselves and their qualifications for Commissioner.

Candidates as follows: Gerald Koppenhafer, Blake Mitchell, Kelly Belt, Wes Sheek, Ted Neegaard, Queenie Barz, Kirk Underwood, Terry Hoecker and two that could not make the meeting for personal reasons, Wayne Eppich and Beverly Humiston.

Candidates were brought in one at a time. They had the three minutes of introduction and then answered a series of questions pertaining to our county. After all candidates had been interviewed the Republican Central Committee went into a private discussion and vote. About an hour later they emerged with the name of the new County Commissioner, Gerald Koppenhafer.

Mr. Koppenhafer had previous experience with an eight-year term as County Commissioner from 2004 to 2012. He had put himself through Veterinary School and opened a business, Montezuma Veterinary Clinic in Cortez. he later sold the business in 2000 and went to doing mobile vet work for large animals, Koppenhafer Animal Services, with his daughter Kelleen. Gerald currently serves on the Montezuma Valley Irrigation Board, farms and runs three hundred head of cows. He brings communication and experience to the office with a belief of cutting budget before raising taxes. When asked, " If there was anything he could change about our county government, what would it be". Reply, " Would love to see more public involvement at the commissioner's meetings".

Thank you to all that took part in this appointment.

1 Comment

Malynda Nelsen
Jan 28, 2022

thank you Tammy Coulon, great job on writing up this story

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