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Grassroot Republicans Can No Longer Trust the Leadership in the RNC


by Lori York DVM

Ronna McDaniel won her re-election as the Republican National Committee Chair last week. This is after 95% of the grassroot Republican voters (by a Rassmussen poll) expressed their deep desire for a CHANGE in Republican leadership. After all the interviews and discussions in the past 2 months on the failures of Ronna and the wasteful spending under her watch, I had my hopes up. HA. Disappointed once again! WHY did I expect anything different?

Many of you probably don’t even know or care who is head of the RNC. I didn’t either. Until 2020 happened and the election was stolen. Then I started to pay attention to politics. (see my column in The Cortez Chronicle from September 2, 2022 ). It had been exposed that under Ronna McDaniel the RNC was spending our donations on crazy ridiculous things like alcohol, yoga pants, private jets, retreats at expensive resorts and then refusing to help MAGA candidates in various states that had begged for financial support in their campaigns.

Even this convention they just held was at one of the most luxurious expensive resorts in Democrat-led California. Why not spend the money in a Republican-led state like Florida? Why do they need to spend $1000/night for their rooms? Remember, all the money they spend comes from DONORS, and many of those donors are regular people like you and me. When was the last time you spent $1000 on a hotel room?

There were 168 people (3 from each state and some extras) voting for the chairman . 111 voted to keep Ronna as chairman.

Charlie Kirk was there in that room, and he asked many of them WHY they voted that way, WHY didn’t they listen to the grassroot voters? Here are some of the answers he got:

“The voters are wrong, and we are here, and they are not”

“They don’t understand what we do here”

“We hear that they are upset but we don’t care.”

“We would rather have the continuity”

“People are watching Warroom and Tucker Carlson too much. They need to go back to reading newspapers”

And this one is the best, “I don’t give a flying flip what the small donors think. They are not voting today”

Well, there it is folks. The leadership in the Republican Party does not care what we the America-first MAGA Republicans think or want. DO NOT SEND THE RNC ANY MORE MONEY.


Many of the candidates use WINRED for their donations. I checked into that and WINRED is legally bound to send your total donation to that candidate within 10 days.

We cannot count on these leaders to do anything about Election Integrity. Ronna did “promise “ she would work with Mike Lindell. Let’s see what happens. Wouldn’t you like to know who our 3 delegates in Colorado voted for? Many county GOP leaders in other states are asking that question too. But it was supposed to be a secret vote. So we may never know. At least, maybe without our donations, the RNC can meet at the Double Tree hotel in 2 years.

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Mary Pyle
Apr 03, 2023

Do not donate to Rona, she is Mitt Romney’s sister.

Mitt is as trustworthy as Mitch McConnell & the rest of the career politicians, etc. Think of him as a Socialist Democrat trying to pass as a Republican


Merry Freestone
Feb 19, 2023

Good job Lori. I agree. They are constantly asking for money. I don't see anything they've done that deserves money...unfortunately.

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