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Gubernatorial Candidate Visits La Plata County, with stops in Cortez, Dolores, Cahone, & Dove Creek

Valerie Maez

By Valerie Maez

Danielle Neuschwanger is a candidate seeking to become the Republican nominee for Governor of Colorado next year. She breezed through three Southwestern Colorado counties with her hard charging, high energy campaign through an extended week-end. On Friday, September 10th she visited Durango, but Saturday morning on 9-11 she was engaging an energized Montezuma Patriot rally at the Ute Mountain Cafe in Cortez. Motivational speaker, Sherronna Bishop who hosts a podcast called America’s Mom, joined her there as well. Both ladies spoke later at the Montezuma Republican’s Lincoln Day Dinner event near Dolores, where Sherronna Bishop was the keynote speaker.

At the Dove Creek Public Service Center, Neuschwanger spoke to about 60 citizens during a Town Hall event.

A key component of her speech addressed the issue of money in the form of donations to any given candidate. She opposes asking people for donations due to the fact that many politicians have turned it into a funding source for their personal use. Neuschwanger spoke of a candidate who has been running for office since 2016, with no success, except for the ability to pay his mortgage and write off travel expenses. “I don’t need for anybody to pay my mortgage. I have my own income from my job. I don’t need 30 million dollars to run for Governor. She went on to explain that she has no plans to run for other offices, and that she is only running for Governor because she sees Jared Polis as a threat to the Colorado that she loves and believes in.

One individual asked her opinion on the upcoming Colorado Republican Party’s vote on the issue of opting out of a primary. If 75% of the voting members vote in favor, Republican nominees for office will be decided with their Spring caucus process. It would eliminate the participation of unaffiliated voters, who some within the Party feel is a detriment. She replied, “don’t do it”. She elaborated on her answer by explaining it was her opinion that it would also deprive Republicans who don’t participate in the caucus process will be denied their choice. She added that if it was just a limited number of delegates decide who the candidate is, why bother campaigning at Town Halls. Just wine and dine the delegates. Neuschwanger also offered that it was her opinion that a significant portion of the “unaffiliated” are disenchanted conservative Republicans.

Danielle Neuschwanger spoke passionately about the issue of mandatory vaccine mandates and vaccine passports. She articulated exactly how both are unconstitutional, and that she was working on a plan that would involve legal injunctions. She said that there was a growing consensus for multi-state cooperation in this effort.


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