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Hackers and thieves are trying to steal your party’s identity.


By Ron Hanks

Ballot and Election Security Committee Chairman

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Hackers and thieves are trying to steal your party’s identity. Your immediate attention is required. Political Hackers recently put together two illegitimate political meetings in the name of the Colorado GOP. They claimed those meetings were legal – but they had to use the opinion of a discredited former consultant currently under indictment for bilking clients.

Last week, 77 people attended an illegitimate meeting, carrying 100 illegitimate proxies for others. Those 77 attendees then improperly changed party rules to imply they had a majority, and then tried to impose their will on the entire Colorado Republican Party. Behaving no differently than lowly property squatters, they pretended they had ownership of YOUR party. These frauds should be called The Masquerade Party. The fact is, they are a minority of party members who have never shared your values. They are supported by previous discredited and corrupt leadership teams and a cabal of consultants that bilk candidates of resources. The self-anointed emperor of this grade school charade, Eli Bremer – who once declared, “the Trump Era is now officially over” – is now masquerading as if he were a properly

elected party official. It would be laughable, if the rest of us were not trying to elect President Trump this November in our last, best effort to save this great nation. If we let posers like Eli Bremer, Brita Horn, and Kevin McCarthy fake our identity, we can be sure they would be useless to Trump’s campaign and to our grassroots conservative values. The masquerading-emperor, Eli Bremer, stated at an earlier illegitimate meeting that if anyone wanted the Colorado Republican Party to continue the effort to close the open primaries and to proceed with the Opt-Out , then he is “not your guy”.

He is most definitely NOT our guy. The party voted overwhelmingly FOR the OptOut. Sadly, some foolish and gullible candidates took the bait and threw their support behind this sophomoric coup d etat, firmly establishing their true political views and how easily they would be manipulated by the Deep State if they ever attained office. These identity thieves and their gullible band would continue to allow nonRepublicans to vote in our primaries. Those non-Republican voters would continue to vote for the softest candidates in our primaries – ensuring if a Democrat doesn’t win, the weakest Republican will be steamrolled by the Democrat machine. We will see plenty of fraud in the November elections. Even Kamala Harris once found reason to question the security of our elections. We should not have to endure fraud and identity theft within our political party.

THE SOLUTION: It is simple: If you are a voting member of the State Central Committee, attend the legitimate meeting of the Colorado GOP in Castle Rock, Colorado on August 31st, 2024. If you are a voting member and cannot attend, provide your proxy vote to a registered Republican you trust from your county, and instruct them how you want your vote to be cast.

CONCLUSION: It should outrage everyone to have self-promoting, Republicans In Name Only (RINO) fake a meeting, change party rules in a ruse to illegitimately remove elected officers, then falsely elect themselves as your designated officials at the same meeting. They are behaving as though they are legitimate. And just like a squatter, if they hang around long enough, they will be awarded status they are not entitled to. If you are fighting for President Trump, we need to turn out the lights on these Never-Trumpers. They’ve already consumed time and resources that would have been better spent trying to save our nation. With your help, we will drum them out this Saturday.


Ron Hanks

Ballot and Election Security Committee Chairman


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