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Have You Been Thinking About Quitting The Fight To Save America After The 2022 Election?


This may be written by a women in Michigan, but it still meant a lot to me. Put "Colorado" in every place where she mentions "Michigan" and you can see the similarity to Colorado.

From The Gateway Pundit

Published January 30, 2023 at 5:34pm

I’m Patty McMurray, a proud Christian conservative wife, mama bear, and founder of 100 Percent Fed Up.

A 100 Percent Fed Up exclusive- I’ve owned the 100 Percent Fed Up conservative news site and social media sites for over ten years. My goal has always been to publish the news the mainstream media won’t or to reveal the truth behind the lies the mainstream media unashamedly feeds their readers.

Over the past ten years, there have been several times when I’ve thought about quitting. The desire to quit, however, was never more unwavering than on November 9, 2022, when I woke up to discover every single top race in the state of Michigan was won by radical, far-left Democrats. Curiously and without explanation, every conservative judge and school board member who ran in non-partisan races were defeated, every Republican running for a seat on the board at the three largest colleges in Michigan lost—and for the first time in over 40 years, the MI House and Senate would have a Democrat majority. How could that be?

Our current governor, Gretchen Whitmer (now considered a front-runner for the Democrat Presidential candidate in 2024), intentionally placed COVID-positive patients into nursing homes with the most vulnerable in our population. She destroyed thousands of businesses with her draconian lockdowns. She restricted travel to vacation homes in northern Michigan in private vehicles. She prohibited the use of boats on open waters during COVID and even forbade stores from selling non-essential items like garden seeds. There has never been a more unpopular governor in the state of Michigan than Governor Gretchen Whitmer, yet inexplicably, on the evening of November 9, she was declared the governor’s race. The majority of funding for the re-election campaign of dislikable Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson came from out of state, including from members of the Soros family. Why? Why did so many out-of-state donors have such a strong interest in making sure the crooked Democrat who’s in charge of our elections was given another 4-year term? And possibly the most curious of all was the re-election of Michigan’s lawless Attorney General Dana Nessel, whose behavior is more like that of a third-grade bully on the playground than a top elected official. On multiple occasions, Nessel used her position as the state’s top law enforcement official as a weapon to threaten investigations of her political enemies and even her opponent in the 2022 race. In the fall of 2022, MI AG Dana Nessel had to be wheeled out of an MSU vs. UofM football game because she was blackout drunk. But somehow, just like in 2020, Michigan residents were supposed to shut up and trust that the country’s most dishonest Secretary of State ran honest elections and that the results, no matter how suspicious, were fair and accurate.

MI AG Dana Nessel (D), MI Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D), and MI SOS Jocelyn Benson (D)

Watching the three dirty Democrats win their elections was tough, but it gets even worse…

The unconstitutional ballot Proposal 2 was passed, giving Democrats the ability to legally steal our vote.

Ballot proposal 3 was also passed. The devil himself couldn’t have written a more Godless proposal that will allow teachers or counselors to help minors “transition” from their God-given sex without parental consent and to kill full-term babies in the womb—and the icing on the cake—you don’t even have to be a doctor to kill the full-term babies. It was deceitfully framed as a way to keep abortion legal in Michigan, and the right-to-life groups and Republicans did a horrible job of messaging the truth about the grotesque details of the proposal.

After spending almost four years exposing the damage done by these three Democrat women, including sharing multiple videos and examples of voter fraud in Michigan, I woke up on November 9 to find that evil prevailed in almost every possible way. Elections will now be decided ahead of time by the occupant of the Secretary of State’s office. They will be decided by the number of ballots that are processed and not by the voter.

My beautiful state will now become a place where people can cross state lines to take the life of their full-term babies. I quickly came to the realization that I’m living in a state I no longer recognize, and I began to question why I’d dedicated so much of my life to fighting back if, in the end, the only thing that matters is who is in charge of our elections. I felt like I had sacrificed so much over the past ten years, and where did it get me?

There have been so many disappointing elections since I began this publication and times when I wanted to throw in the towel, but this time was different. I made the decision to give it all up, and I wasn’t going to look back with any regrets. I did my part.

I decided to shut down my site on February 1, 2023. Well, it’s January 29, and I’m still here. The truth is, quitting is not in my DNA. As much as I was certain that walking away from the endless hours on my computer was the sane thing to do, I just couldn’t do it. I began to compare the sacrifices I’ve made to those of our Founding Fathers, who faced much more significant obstacles but never gave up, and thank God they didn’t.

It’s true that God gives each of us unique gifts, and He calls upon us to use those gifts to the best of our abilities. I believe God is not done with me. After praying and contemplating a much different life that doesn’t involve fighting for freedom, honesty, truth, and the protection of life, I’ve concluded that I need to stay in this fight. God has led me to so many amazing warriors; I can’t imagine myself leaving on the battlefield to take the arrows while I sip a latte and read a romance novel. And so, I will continue to expose evil and to work with amazing warrior-patriots that God has placed in my life like my inspiration and patriot hero, Jim Hoft of the Gateway Pundit, his brother Joe, and Jez, Marian Sheridan, Rosanne Ponkowski, Matt Seely, Meshawn and Matt Maddock, Dr. Phil O’Halloran, Dr. Becky Behrends, Joe Brandis, Bill Rauwerdink, Diane Schindlebeck, Pat Colbeck, Mike Lindell, an unnamed angel and her best friend (you know who you are), Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips, Joe Dan Gorman, Bob Cushman, Kristina Karamo, Matt DePerno, Rocky Raczykowski, and countless others I’ve been blessed to work with along the way.

When I met Andrew Breitbart and learned of his fearless fight to expose the truth, I know God put me and my former business and patriot partner Leisa Audette in the same room with him for a reason. One week later, Andrew Breitbart died suddenly of a heart attack. Tomorrow is his birthday, and in honor of his life and legacy, I will not shut down my website, I will not ignore my God-given gift to shine a bright light on the truth, and instead of running away, I will “walk toward the fire.”

Not only will I “walk toward the fire,” as Andrew Breitbart commanded, but I’ve also decided to make the fire even bigger by starting a website,, to counter the lies and misrepresentations by some of the worst local publications in America: The Detroit News, Detroit Free Press, MLive, and of course, the local Michigan publications who are some of the worst peddlers of fake news in America. Michigan Conservative News will also expose Republican lawmakers and donors who assist those in their quest to destroy our ability to have fair elections, take our guns, increase our taxes, strip citizens of their God-given rights, destroy our traditional family values and decimate our education system.

.Over a dozen local writers from different backgrounds will contribute to my new Michigan publication. From two medical doctors to a school teacher in the Upper Peninsula, to a former MI Congressman and writer for the Detroit News and to Jay Taylor, a former senior executive at General Motors. is currently being built. As soon as the site is up and running, we will let everyone know. For now, contributions to Michigan Conservative News will appear in a special section on the 100 Percent Fed Up website. Thank you for your patience while we build something awesome!



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