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Its Time To Throw The Masks Out Of Court


By Kelly Chesney-Moore

February 10, 2022

Judge Walker continues with an over reach of Power.

In March 2020, -2-weeks Flatten the Curve was the headline in every news media. As of this day February 10, 2022 day, it has been 692 days since the march 20, 2020- "two week- to flatten the curve."

Governor Polis lifted covid mask mandates on May 14, 2021. Yet here in Cortez, Colorado Masks are still required to enter Montezuma County Courts. Not only are masks required, defendants are allowed to appear by Video. Covid has caused so much harm to this community and others across the world, it is time to start healing. Covid isn't going away but the tyrannical overreach is. Around the world mandates are being lifted. It is time the mask requirements at our court cease.

The mask has become a false sense of security for many, but that being said, it is a choice that everyone is entitled too. If you feel safer wearing a mask by all means wear a mask. But to place ones own fears onto others is wrong.

According to the Colorado Judicial Branch web site covid restrictions are up to each court. In the Case of Montezuma County Court it is up to Judge Walker. Walker has shut down jury trials again. Notice was given in January 8, 2022 of the suspension of jury trials.


Administrative Order 2022-01 - Temporary Suspension of Jury Trials due to Covid-19 Crisis - Montezuma County (01/08/2022)

Walker shut jury trials down in 2021 as well. Defendants appearing by video is another harmful slug to our court proceedings. In a world where this is less and less accountability giving more slack to defendants in the courts is detrimental and costly to the tax payers.

Being summons to court can be intimidating enough, then you add the mask requirement, breathing being inhibited, uncomfortable, speech is difficult and it is hard to hear through muzzles. It is time to stop it. It is time to open up our courts fully. It is time to remove the masks requirements and begin to repair the damage of the last 692 days.

If you would like to help and you too are over it, voices make a difference...please email or send a letter to Judge Walker

Montezuma Combined Courts

865 North Park Street

Suite 100

Cortez, CO 81321

According to the COVID 19 Vaccine Website, 212 M - 64.5 of the US population has been fully vaccinated,
Colorado raising above that as 3.95M - 68.7 percent of population has been fully vaccinated.



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