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Kokoon On A Hill, A Journey Of Foster Care


"Embrace the Rewards of Fostering Work through the system"s Challenges Give Children Wings of Hope"

A local author and a woman of great Passion.

Elise M Schuster is an author, an advocate for foster families, and a speaker for kids in care. She believes foster families should be heard, validated for all they do, and granted rights to speak for the children they spend so much time with. Elise shares ways to bridge the gap between all team members involved in the care of foster children. Through trials and triumphs, she has learned many skills to work with the system and achieve positive results.

Elise uses her years of experience as a mom of two birth children, nine adopted children, and forty-nine foster children to help others understand being a foster parent is an honor and an amazing call to serve. Her passion is to help others embrace the idea of fostering and make a difference in the life of children that need them. Elise, the creator of Kokoon4Kdz, a company she started to produce sleeping bags for foster children. Her goal is to provide a tangible Kokoon (cocoon) for children in foster care. Foster children have been through many different things; sometimes, they need a space of their own to wrap up in and feel safe and secure. • Children in care can stay for a day, a week, a month, or forever. • No matter the length of time, all children need safety, security, and love. • You can help change lives, one child at a time. • Will you answer the call to make a difference?

Official Website of Author

There are presently over 500,000 children needing Foster Care in America. The Pandemic has hurt families in ways that we will never know. There have been more cases of abuse since the pandemic began, than ever before.

Kokoon on a Hill helps you understand that the Rewards of fostering out weigh the trials that you go through caring for the children that need you.. Every child deserves and desires to have a stable and secure family, with a place they can call home.

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