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Lighthouse Children's Choir Sings for the RWMC Luncheon


The Lighthouse Christian Academy Children's Choir sang for the Republican Women of Montezuma County's Christmas luncheon on December 8, and they were AWESOME. Everyone was touched by their performance. Some of us had tears in our eyes , especially when they sang "Jesus is Alive" The RWMC want to thank the school and all the teachers and helpers that brought the choir to our gathering. We want to book you again for next year!

Our December Meeting was a lot of fun. The Cortex Elks served a turkey dinner with all the fixins that was delicious. Door prizes were given away, we had an update on the Lauren Boebert recount by Bernie Lake, Shelli Shaw spoke about her possible plans for 2024, and our new executive board was introduced.

from left to right:

Emiko South, Treasurer

Frances Roggenbach, Secretary

Lori York, President

Linda Lynch, Vice President

Please remember that your Membership Renewal is due now, and can be turned in at the January meeting. Our next meeting is January 12 at the Cortez Elks. Our speaker will be Jeanie Gentry, CEO of the Hospital Board. She will be giving an overview of how the hospital is doing, and put out a call for new board members. We hope to see you then!


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