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Montezuma BOCC Notes 8-20-24 912 News Bytes


By Dexter Gill

August 21, 2024

This week was a quick meeting with no land issues to deal with.

In “Public address” time, it was brought out that there needs to be more explanation about the need for the Public Safety Sales tax.

This was followed by a letter of appreciation and thanks to the Search and Rescue  involved in a family and vehicle incident above timberline.  The family expressed how timely, efficient and supportive all the SRS were, and wanted all the County to know.


The Health Department funding contract renewals were approved along with Emergency Management communications equipment purchase.


In general discussions, it was noted that the legal papers for joining the lawsuit against the State will be filed this week, regarding the Severance Tax funds.


More discussion related to the legislative Special Session on Property Tax, noting that some public are confused on connection of mil levy with tax assessment etc.   Bottom line is, if the mil levy is reduced, you pay less tax which means the County Treasury receives less revenue.  The Money is not there until you pay.   Side note is Budget plans are prepared on “anticipated” income, if the income does not meet the expectation for any reason, planned work or projects stop.  No Mon—No Fun.

On side note, the news reported the special session on the property tax said controversy has arisen that could result in the session being a bust, resulting in the Ballot issues remaining.  Wait and see.

Another big news is the State of Utah has filed suit against the Federal Government, regarding the federal government indefinitely retaining the Territorial lands, administered by the Dept. of Interiors BLM, within States Boundaries, which is clearly in violation of the Constitution.  This is VERY GOOD, and it is intended to go to SCOTUS.

Sometimes---“Well timed silence hath more eloquence than speech”-Martin Farquhar Tupper 1810-1889 English poet  and novelist.


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