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Montezuma County BOCC meeting notes 12-31-24


by Dexter Gill

Jan 1, 2025

This was the last meeting, held on the Last Day of December and Last Day of the year 2024.  Good time to change all the Calendars and make all payments that may help on upcoming tax returns.

The Commission meeting was fairly short, starting off with re-appointment of two Planning and Zoning Commission, Jason Armstrong and Mike Doyle for three (3) years seats.

The County recognized  a goodly number of County employees with “years of service” Awards.  Awards were given for:   5years, 19; 10 years 12; 15 years3; 20 years 2; 28 years1, she was retiring also; 30 years 2; 33 years 2; and 34 years 2,   I think that adds up to 43 good employees.  That is a very good record for the County having long term faithful employees!

The Social Services reported on a good year, ending the year with a relaxed last week.  They expressed concern with the coming year funding in the Child Care Assistance Program, as the available State funding is short in many other areas, and costs are increasing.  The County will have to watch requests and costs.

The County Close out of 2024 Budgets  and finances  involved several fund transfers for book keeping clean up.  The General fund cover a number of expenses made for some actions while awaiting  receipt of grant and contracts, etc. funding, as those funds are received, transfers are made back into the General fund. There had been some concern that the previous over expenditures in the Sheriff office budget could not be covered. The  final report this day showed all was covered, giving the County a clean budget report.  It was noted that this was all due to all parties working diligently together.

In other considerations, an MOU was approved with the Town of Mancos for the “Crisis Intervention Program” operations to be housed there.    The Fairview Cemetery Board had members appointed for 6 year terms.  The Southwest Livestock Assn applied for liquor permit for their  February 8th event, which was conditionally approved, upon the Assn receiving it’s license from the State.    A couple reports stated that the Hospital was doing very good and the “users reports” indicated a 90% good recommendation to use this Hospital.  It was stated the Water Conservancy Dist. had indicated not to worry about the water there is a good supply of water.   With that, they went into Executive Session for legal advice on issues with Ironwood and the Road 41 fence.  Before leaving, the Commissioner’s  gave out a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Those of us in Four Corners Nine Twelve (912) wish to thank those of you that have been supportive this past year, with information, getting involved with County Commission, City of Cortez and State Legislature and Congress. Being informed and taking individual action to work with our elected officials is what a Free Capitalistic Republic must do to stay Free and develop economy as a "People".  That starts right at HOME in the COUNTY.  We must work together to protect and grow the Lives and economy of the whole County.  We all need to be informed, we here at 912 will work to pass on information, and we thank our friends at "Cortez Chronicles" who do the same and cover a wider area of concerns as well.   Now , one item to be informed on is an upcoming "Public Listening" session the County Commission is holding regarding a past resolution "Res 2-2015", discussing Solar panels in Rural Montezuma County.  This is the second opportunity to give your  opinion.   January 2 ,Thursday 6-7:30 pm in the BOCC council room.  Late notice, I'm sorry about that.  The Wolf issue is getting much more "press" since the CDPW is bowing it's neck and declaring to continue importing the Apex Predator wolves, however Three Ranchers have just turned claims for livestock damage totaling $543 Thousand dollars.

Well HAPPY NEW YEAR to ALL  Get set for an interesting year ahead, roll up your sleeves, our survival is at stake..  p.s. attached is a copy of an article this writer has posted elsewhere.  Read it at your own risk, and the disclaimer is that it does not necessarily express the opinion of 912. 


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