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Montezuma County Important Announcement

Montezuma County Sales Tax Ballot Measure Survey Montezuma County invites county residents and voters to participate in an important survey regarding a potential ballot measure to create a county sales tax. Beginning on the afternoon of Friday, November 12, we will be launching an online sales tax ballot measure survey among county residents and voters. County Commissioners and staff strongly encourage every voter and resident to participate in this survey to help us make decisions and ensure that all opinions are heard. It is important to remember that Montezuma County does not currently have a sales tax and that no decisions have been made to put a sales tax ballot measure before voters in 2022. Your participation in this survey and sharing your honest opinions will influence those decisions. There are several ways to participate in the survey: 1. Visit the Montezuma County website home page ( and click on the link provided. This link will be available at 1 pm on Friday, November 12, 2021. 2. The survey link will be available on the County’s Facebook page. ( 3. Some residents will receive a text inviting them to take the survey. The text message will have the Montezuma County logo at the top. 4. Some residents will receive an email from the County with the survey link prominently displayed. Your answers will remain strictly confidential, and the survey only takes approximately 8 minutes to complete. If you have any questions, please contact the Montezuma County Administration Office by phone at (970) 565-8317 or email at Thank you for your input on this very important issue!

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