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My Body My Choice

Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor from Mindy Nelson

In listening to today’s update from Gov. Polis on the COVID response to the Delta variant, Colorado is now offering $25.00 Gift Cards for students getting tested weekly. Is this to bolster the positive results? Not all tests are accurate, many false positives have been reported. They have plans in motion through State and Federal Funding to allow schools to issue the “Vaccine.” Under HIPPA, will parents have a say in their juvenile’s decisions? There are also funds through both State and Federal funding to encourage Dr.'s Offices to administer the vaccine at NO Cost eluding people out of personal medical choice. This is another weapon, let's use it! MSNBC: White House stated ahead of FDA approval they would begin booster shots Sept. 20th. Prior use of the vaccine was only “Emergency use authorization.” 3 in 10 said they would be more likely to get it if it was FDA approved, and BAM Pfizer was approved. Moderna is next to be approved. Vaccine busses have been funded in the East to give out the jab, rewarding with $100 gift cards to Wal-Mart. US News: Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill that will start issuing $5000 fines for businesses, schools, and government agencies that require COVID Vaccine cards.

Our Local Health Care officials are being pushed out of their jobs for their personal medical choices, regardless if they already have the antibodies. This is Unconstitutional! Yet our Borders are open with NO Documentation? What happened to “My body My Choice?”


Susan Kemnetz
Oct 04, 2021

Everyone has the choice to be vaccinated or not-no one in this country has the right to ask anyone what their medical choices and medical history are. Perhaps we should ask people if they have had AIDS because their blood could endanger us. Doing so is a clear violation of privacy & HIPPA laws.


Donna Williams
Sep 22, 2021

You still have the choice to be vaccinated or not. You should remember, however, that with freedom comes responsibly and with every choice there are consequences.

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