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Not All Tests Are Accurate


By Tiffany Gray

In listening to updates from Gov. Polis on the Covid response to the Delta variant, mention was made that the State would offer $25.00 Gift Cards for Students getting tested weekly. Is this to bolster the positive results, as we know not all tests are accurate and many false positives have been reported? They have had plans in motion through state and federal funding, to allow “Vaccine” clinics into schools in Colorado. In a 10-13-2021 update by Gov. Polis and two accompanying doctors, it was stated that we can expect to see them soon across our state, as well as the “ vaccine” in ages 5-11. ( Approval ahead of FDA, as it’s expected 11-4 through 11-6) Under HIPAA Laws, will parents have a say in their juvenile’s decisions?

There are funds through both states and federal agencies to encourage doctor offices to administer the vaccine at no cost. This eludes to encouraging people out of personal medical choice. I have seen this first hand locally, as I am a medical power of attorney. The term was used in the Gov. update ( approximately sometime in the month of September), “This is another weapon, let’s use it.” MSNBC: White House stated, ahead of FDA approval that they would begin booster shots Sept. 20th. 10-13 it was confirmed that people are receiving the booster shot in Colorado, with out either of the other shots. Prior use of the vaccine was only “Emergency Use Authorization.” 3 in 10 said they would be more likely to get it, if it was FDA approved, and BAM! Pfizer was approved. Moderna is next to be approved. They are about 30 days out. Let us remind ourselves of history.

The Spanish Flu of 1918 killed a total of 675,00 Americans and 50 million people world wide. Masks had to be worn then and they did not work.

Wikipedia: 650,00 a year die from the FlI. (386,00 this year)

World-ometers: HIV 1,315,392 to date since 1981.

Live-science: Swine Flu 2009-2010 across the globe, 1.4 billion infected across the globe, and killed between 151,700 and 575,400 people.

Live-science: Ebola 2014-2016, still working on a vaccine. ( But Covid Vaccine was done in less then a year?)

Do the math 99.98% survival rate of Covid.

Vaccine buses have been funded to give out the jab, rewarding with 100 gift cards to Walmart. You will find the Cortez Location is the Recreation center. It is a green traveling bus, with none other then Gov. Polis’s name on the front bumper. US News: Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill that will start issuing 5,000 fines for business, schools, and government agencies that require COVID Vaccines cards. ( Tallahasse ) Would our BOCC implement a Resolution to do the same for Montezuma County? My question is are you ready for the battle? The time is upon us. We must act NOW. Our Local Health Care officials are being pushed out of their jobs for their personal medical choices, regardless if they already have the antibodies or not. This is unconstitutional to any American. Yet our borders are open with no documentation!! What happened to, “ My body My Choice? “ Is our Health Care System ready or capable of losing not only our skilled healthcare workers but our mental health care workers, state, county workers and teachers? That is what is happening across our nation and is upon us now. What support can we as a community give to forward actions to preserve the jobs and livelihoods? Not to mention the unalienable rights of our founded Constitutional rights that were bought and paid for in blood. Not given to us by our government, so therefore can not be taken by our Government. Will we as representatives of our community, children, and at risk take action? (It is not like there is a line of people to hire, let alone those that are willing to give away their personal medical choices over their own bodies. ) We all deserve sovereignty of our bodies and those we are entrusted to care for. Please do not underestimate our leadership in our community.

1 Comment

Lynnette Ward
Nov 06, 2021

When I spoke with the superintendent about some testing and results. I was informed by her that the test at our schools only have a 30% accuracy.

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