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Odis Sikes Sheriff Candidate


Odis Sikes is running for the Office of Montezuma Sheriff . In an interview Odis shared his background with us:

Odis Sikes was born October 2, 1950. He graduated from Texas- Corsicana High School in 1968. Odis wanted to serve his country, he enlisted in the United States Army November, 1968 and was deployed to Vietnam in May, 1969

Odis was assigned to the First Infantry Division as an Infantryman.

"I am a combat veteran.... almost three years active duty and got out just before I turned 21."
"I have three daughters, seven grandchildren, and four great grandchildren.
I moved to the four corners area in 1980. I then moved to Montezuma County in 1990. I have worked on ranches and in the oilfield.
I believe the two most important things in our lives are the BIBLE and the US Constitution. The Bible reveals to us our God given rights and The Constitution guarantees our rights as Americans. We need elected officials who will put those first and stand firm on them. I have great friends and neighbors in Montezuma County. I was asked by some concerned citizens to consider running for Sheriff. I would not do this for myself. I have plenty of things to keep me busy. I have never been in law enforcement or run for any political office, so I'm not a cop and not a politician. I believe a law enforcement officer should have a servant's heart, to protect citizen's constitutional rights and serve not be served."

If does not take very long to be around Odis to realize that he is genuine. He has a way of getting your attention when he talks and he does not hide the fact that he honors God, Country and the Constitution. Odis displays a fresh look of common sense, stern principle, and a caring heart.

There will be many meet and greet opportunities to meet Odis and see for your self. In these days where our constitution is under attack, crime rates are at all-time highs, drugs flooding into this community and the uncertainty of what tomorrow holds; a new face of honor, service, and integrity is certainly welcomed.

By Kelly Chesney-Moore

( For information purposes, below the State requirements to take office as sheriff, you might be surprised and actually refreshed to know it is possible to elect a sheriff based on their integrity and honor. A citizen who loves and wants to protect this country and this community and has not climbed the sheriff's department political ladder )

2016 Colorado Revised Statutes Title 30 - Government - County County Officers Article 10 - County Officers Part 5 - Sheriff § 30-10-501.5. Qualifications

(1) No person shall be eligible for nomination, election, or appointment to the office of sheriff unless such person:

(a) Is a citizen of the United States, is a citizen of the state of Colorado, and is a resident of the county to which the person is to be appointed or elected;

(b) Possesses a high school diploma or its equivalent or a college degree;

(c) Has had a complete set of fingerprints taken by a qualified law enforcement agency and submitted a receipt evidencing such fingerprinting at the time of filing his or her written acceptance pursuant to section 1-4-601 (3), 1-4-906, or 1-4-1002 (5), C.R.S., or a candidate filing an affidavit of intent pursuant to section 1-4-1101, C.R.S. Such law enforcement agency shall forward the fingerprints to the Colorado bureau of investigation. The bureau shall utilize such fingerprints, its files and records, and those of the federal bureau of investigation for the purpose of determining whether the person has ever been convicted of or pleaded guilty or entered a plea of nolo contendere to any felony charge under federal or state laws. The Colorado bureau of investigation shall notify the county clerk and recorder of the county wherein the person is a candidate of the results of the fingerprint analysis. In the event that a conviction or plea is disclosed, such person shall be deemed unqualified for the office of sheriff, unless pardoned. The results of such fingerprint analysis shall be confidential; except that the county clerk and recorder may divulge whether such person is qualified or unqualified for the office of sheriff.


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