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PASSWORD WARS: The Difference Between the Fabricated Password ‘Breach’ Charges Against TINA PETERS and the HUGE Actual Password Breach by Colorado SOS Jena Griswold.


Oct. 31, 2024 7:40 pm

from The Gateway Pundit

Guest post by Joe Hoft at – republished with permission

By Martel Maxim

As Steve Bannon would likely say, “Jena Griswold, Suck on This”. Your recent despicable dodging and cover-up interview with Kyle Clark from 9News in Denver leaves zero doubt in anyone’s rational mind that the Contrived Password Divulgence Charges levied upon former Mesa County, Colorado Clerk Tina Peters were solely fabricated to put her in prison.

During this SOS Griswold interview, she emphasized how the BIOS Passwords on her SOS website were incomplete, and thus unusable. (However, according to a well respected security expert, this is likely not true based on a review of the passwords and comments surrounding them. However for purposes of this article, we’ll take SOS Griswold’s word for it). Griswold went on to say “the actions of Clerk Peters were a critical security breach” which then avalanched into widespread panic, and even caused the removal and replacement of the Election Systems in Mesa County.

Well, here’s some front page news: The BIOS Passwords from Clerk Peters were also incomplete, as you proclaim yours are. However the biggest difference is that YOUR PASSWORDS WERE CURRENT, while Clerk Peters Passwords were EXPIRED.

So then SOS Griswold, let’s take a closer look at your interview claims about the damage you said was done by Clerk Peters. According to Mr. Clay Parikh who testified as a Cybersecurity Expert Witness on Day 8 of the Tina Peters Trial on August 9, 2024, the incomplete/partial BIOS Passwords Clerk Peters ‘divulged’ (exactly like Griswold’s incomplete BIOS Passwords) were absolutely useless to anyone, because they were only partial.

Mr. Parikh’s Expert Witness credentials were acknowledged by the Court, as he’s a Cybersecurity Professional employed by Northrop Grumman in Huntsville, has been a CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional, the World’s Premier Cybersecurity Certification) for 17 years, is a Certified Ethical Hacker, a Certified Hacking Investigator, has done everything from site design to accreditation, and has 9 years of testing experience in Voting System Test Labs.

During Mr. Parikh’s expert testimony to the Prosecution and Defense before the Judge, he repeatedly stated that Partial/Incomplete BIOS Passwords are of no benefit to a hacker. Additionally, the partial/incomplete BIOS Passwords photographed by Clerk Peters were taken prior to the “Trusted Build” on May 21, 2021, so by definition, her passwords were 100% useless, and were superceded after the “Trusted Build” by new Passwords that she never saw. In other words, the old BIOS Passwords she divulged were useless and irrelevant from Day One. So somebody please tell us why ALL HELL reigned down upon Clerk Peters for supposedly compromising the “Gold Standard Colorado Election Equipment”?

Not only that, but the BIOS Password information photographed in the Clerk Peters video was not even taken of the actual BIOS Screen according to Mr. Parikh (and he’s seen countless BIOS Screens), so the passwords were out of context, and might not have even been the actual expired partial passwords, making them even more useless than useless.

Another Cyber Expert, Mr. Mark Cook independently and completely concurs with all of Mr. Parikh’s testimony. Mark also testified at the Tina Peters trial, and has dedicated many years to the fields of computer forensics, data recovery, penetration testing, software development, wireless architecture, embedded systems design, root cause analysis etc.; all of which are directly applicable to Election Systems. Additionally, Mark was one of a small group of lead forensic investigators whose work led to Mesa Reports 1-3. Mark has also prepared a video that fully explains the recent situation of SOS Griswold, and that can be found under the “Get Educated/Must Watch Tab” at

In sharp contrast to Clerk Peters, it’s again important to point out that the Passwords revealed on SOS Griswold’s website were CURRENT PARTIAL PASSWORDS. Although still useless to a hacker if they aren’t as easily solvable as a Crossword Puzzle, it’s important to ONCE MORE emphasize that the Partial Passwords of Clerk Peters were EXPIRED Partial Passwords, and Superceded by the new Passwords enabled AFTER THE “TRUSTED BUILD” when all fury was released on her. In summary, the Passwords in the Clerk Peters video/photo were of no value to anyone, anywhere, or at anytime due to when they were released, PERIOD.

We also need to look at the magnitude of SOS Griswold’s Partial Password disclosure, which was a significantly large number of BIOS Passwords, encompassing practically all the 60+ Counties in Colorado, vs. just one in Mesa County where Clerk Peters was railroaded for her supposed ‘Crimes’. Of course this begs the question of “WHY” was this operation carried out by SOS Griswold, but that will be the subject of future articles by many authors, for sure.

So let’s now focus on how SOS Griswold intentionally misled the audience in her interview by saying her actions were Innocent, and those of Clerk Peters were Criminal. She even called the comparison of her situation to Clerk Peters to be that of “Apples vs. Oranges”.

The bottom line is that if SOS Griswold is truly innocent of any wrongdoing, Clerk Peters is infinitely more innocent of any wrongdoing, and must be exonerated if SOS Griswold wishes to be. It must also be pointed out that SOS Griswold claims to be ‘mistaken’ for having those passwords on her website. Let’s contrast that with Clerk Peters, who was in shock upon learning somebody else had leaked her password screen photo/video, and had been squarely betrayed by them. Humm, it’s okay that SOS Griswold was ‘mistaken’, but in our 2 tier world of ‘justice’, Clerk Peters was guilty as hell, and deserves 9 years in prison for it?

So SOS Griswold, DA Rubenstein and all you others in the Chain of Command on the warpath to lockup Tina Peters (including your owners at Carlyle and Staple Street) how about unwinding the web of deception you wove to incarcerate Clerk Peters who only did what was right to Save America with zero thought of personal reward. Was there a Conspiracy and Cover-up by Clerk Peters as the Prosecution claimed? The only response to that is “My Ass”.

These are the most evil people/forces ever we’re up against in America (and the world). However Nov 5th turns out is the way America and the World will be for a very long time. To use the worn out phrase, “Vote as if your life depends upon it”…..and this time it actually does, even though it doesn’t seem that way to most. Also remember that voting on or as close to Election Day as possible minimizes the opportunity for the criminals to manufacture votes in advance, because they won’t have your votes to manipulate under the dark cover of Early Voting.

Personally, I don’t think God wants to lose America on November 5th 2024, but to prevent that from happening, he depends upon all of you to join his Army and Swamp the Vote so deep, that the Swamp won’t be able to find a plausible way out of the results. ALL HANDS ON DECK, as we have now entered into perhaps the most dangerous period in American and World History. If you thought the closing of businesses and Houses of Worship during the Plannedemic was unbelievable, ‘you ain’t seen nothing yet’.

We’ve now been shown how these criminals will lockup an almost 70 year old Gold Star Mom of a fallen Navy SEAL who never even received a parking ticket. It’s not too much of a stretch to understand how us deplorable pieces of garbage are next, if they succeed in stealing this upcoming election. Everybody asks ‘well, what can I do to make a difference’, and that answer is to VOTE, or you might never have a chance to again. IT’S SHOWTIME.

1 Comment

Daos Duva
Nov 01, 2024

If we had a functioning Justice, Griswold would be being arraigned today for election interference. Evil breeds evil and Griswolds tentacles are very long.

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