Patriots Pen & Voice Of Democracy Results 2021 Scholarship Program

Press Release: Patriot’s Pen & Voice of Democracy Results 2021
VFW Post 5231, P.O. Box 561 Cortez, Colorado 81321
From: John C. Davis III, Adjutant/Quartermaster
Date: November 7, 2021
It is with great pride that Montezuma County VFW Post 5231 are announcing the results of the Patriot’s Pen (PP) and Voice of Democracy (VOD) results for 2021.
We forwarded our winning essays to District on November 6th. We will monitor the progress of our contestants and report on them as they progress. We are not wishing to jinx them by announcing who they are just yet. They will be revealed to them individually first and then to the public at a later date.
The judges did their evaluations on November 3, 2021. The judges were unanimous that the essays were very diverse and very good. They expressed that they enjoyed the process very much.
PP had three (3) entries, all from MCMS. VOD had 44 entries, 2 from Mancos, 2 from Lighthouse Baptist School, and the rest were from Dolores High School. We thank those schools who encouraged their students to participate.
Our Post has advanced one (1) PP and three (3) VOD essays. Also, we advanced a Teacher of the Year entry. We anticipate that the contestants will do well at District, State and even National. We are very eager to see the results and will follow them through the process.
There will be prizes awarded once they have arrived. PP winners will receive $100 (1st), $75 (2nd) and $50 (3rd). The top three will also receive Medals (gold, silver, bronze). Each contestant will get pins, pens and a notebook along with a personalized Certificate. VOD winners will receive $200 (1st), $175 (2nd) and $150 (3rd). The top three will also receive Medals (gold, silver, bronze). The top ten (10) will get a notebook. All the contestants will receive a pin, pen and personalized Certificate. These will be presented once we can reveal the winners without jinxing them. Prizes will be awarded at District, State, and National. National prizes for PP is $5,000 for first and for VOD is $30,000 for 1st. There are prizes for other places and are very generous.
We hope that we can grow this program next year. If you are a student, teacher, parent or Grandparent please consider entry of your student. These programs are meant to give students the experience and encourage their growth in writing and public speaking skills. The contests are open to any American student who attends charter, public or are homes-chooled.