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RE-1 School Board meeting January 18, 2022

Tammy Coulon

By Tammy Coulon

This meeting started off with an Executive Session - Pursuant to C.R.S. 24-6-402(4) the board will discuss personnel matters regarding the Superintendent's evaluation.

When the Board returned to regular session, they were greeted with Kemper School 5th grade Math students. Full of smiles and ready to share their experiences with the Stock Market Game. This is done in all 50 states by groups of 3 to 4 students, they are given $150,000.00 in fake money and learn to research different stocks with weekly checks of the stock they pick. Even though they started late, Kemper placed 17th in State. Currently out of 54 students 23 are signed up already to do the project next season. One out of four students are anxious to participate.

The Celebration report had a Congratulations to Avery Wright for acceptance to Colorado School of Minds and to Kyle's family for the birth of a new baby girl. The high school drama club was celebrated for their recent successful play. Our FFA students have gone to the Denver Stock show.

The board reported having a good work session during their retreat over the weekend and wanted to thank all staff that participated.

During staff reports Kyle was worried about some grant money not spent yet and was contacting the principals.

The 8th grade class received a 3 D printer donated by the Kiwanis Club.

Mr. Parr reported back on the new curriculum. Next week will start the review of the material and they will be set up in the gym on tables to review at any time. they will be on display for a month or so then the one chosen will stay on display at least another month for viewing. A committee has been formed for the review of the materials and to report back to the board with findings.

Sherri Wright to monitor different new bills coming out from the state. February 24 and 25 is the winter conference to meet Senators in Denver. The Board did an Evaluation of its performance giving 3.5 out of a scale from 1 to 5.

Citizens address the Board.

Arlina Yazzie presented the board with handouts on 2 projects.

1) TEAM UP - On March 8th from 1pm to 5pm, she would like the board to attend a community planning process in support of youth outside of school time.

2) Bridges out of Poverty training. which consist of decision makers, organization leaders reaching out to other boards.

Lynnette Ward wanted to present to the board a series of questions to bring attention to the Colorado Healthy Kids Survey. With students in the room, as not to upset them, she opted for sending an email to all the board members voicing concerns about the inappropriate questions being asked of students and where the information is actually shared.

The staff has reached out to the Board about the School Calendar for 2022/ 2023 giving versions of a 4-day week and a 5-day week. The board would like to get both public and staff feedback on the examples presented before any vote will be made on the new calendar. there is a lot of variables such as bussing, parent teacher conference, vacation days, teacher workshop days and would like to align vacation days with Dolores and Mancos schools if possible. After a survey from the parents is received, it will go to the DAC Committee before the board for approval. The goal is to get the calendar by next month so it can go to the DAC meeting by March 7 and will be an action item at February 8 work session.

ESSER I monies to end this year.

ESSER II monies will run through 2023

ESSER III monies will run through 2024

Discussion of consolidation of the in town elementary schools and leaving Pleasant View and Lewis-Arriola alone for the next year. Possible Kemper used for K-2 grades and Mesa used for 3-5 grades. Manaugh would be possible sight for disciplinary issues. The board is to address staff issues, buildings and education to get parents views and input from the community. There will be no decisions made without the public and administration input. A pros and cons list will be put together and sent home with students. This is all in hopes to bring the students up to grade level standards. Vertical alignment with focused instruction and a possible 20 student per class average, the academic alignment would be better. Logistics on bussing would also have to be looked at for all the schools. Debra Ramsey to send out all the information to Principals and Administration for community input by February 1st, to work session by February 8, to possible vote by February 22 meeting.

The list of new DAC committee members was approved.

Approved CDE High School Innovative Leaning Opportunities Pilot Program.

Th Final Budget for 2021-2022 was approved.

MOU for Cortez Wrestling Club Inc., Cortez Club Volleyball, Cortez youth Basketball CO and Montezuma Cortez Softball Association have all gone to the Lawyer for review and will be brought back later for discussion.

First reading of Policy Revisions done with the replacement of Lis Richards name with Dr. Risha VanderWey.

IMB and IMB-R Teaching about Controversial / Sensitive Issues and Use of Controversial Materials was sent back for additional paragraph and parental consent.

School closings to go to second reading.

Support Staff Evaluation Form approve.

Request for Discretionary/ Sick Leave approved.

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