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Regular School Board meeting- 2/22/22

Melanie Filener

To view this meeting in its entirety, please visit the YouTube link below the article. Agenda for the meeting can be accessed at

All previous minutes were approved (1/18/22, 2/8/22,2/11/22; and 2/15/22.) Wrapped in Support was a special presentation given by Cyndi Haupt and Nikki Crowley.


  1. USI (new insurance program) will be presented in March school board meeting by John Corbett. Although listed on agenda, presenter was not able to attend meeting due to adverse travel conditions.

  2. Cortez FFA trip request- presentation not given.

  3. MCHS is reestablishing the Ski and Snowboard Club (Mr. Colin Neal is the sponsor) -please see video for more information.


1. Head of Maintenance- Mr. Ray Lopez- spoke on capital reserve expenditures and proposed summer maintenance projects ( timelines,etc.) Most projects involve roofing repairs and HVAC projects. Asbestos abatement needs are also a large portion of capital reserve costs for a few buildings. Mechanical and engineering analysis for building structure will be conducted at Pleasant View and Manaugh. ESSER funds (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) will provide payment for HVAC systems at CMS and Beech Street Schools.

2. Transportation Department Director -Ms. Lena Galloway-reported new federally mandated training is required for all school bus drivers. RE-1 transportation "Bus Barn" could be training facility for smaller districts in future.

3. HR director- Ms. Cynthia Elldredge- CORA requests (open records) are requiring large amount of time.

4. Director of Finance- Mr. Kyle Archibeque reported on ESSER III survey results- most interest was in additional after school and summer school programs. For more survey results and numbers, please see YouTube video of meeting.

Citizens address the board portion of the meeting. 6 people addressed the board. A brief summary of comments is provided. (To view this portion in its entirety, please see YouTube video of meeting.)


Comments centered around having questions for interview provided, in part, by community members. Other concerns were that the board be transparent and apply due diligence, verify qualifications and experience and get input from all sides when making the decision.


Get rid of Amplify, McGraw-Hill and Houghton-Mifflin- please concentrate on academics, not Common Core. 500 signatures were obtained to kill Wit and Wisdom in its entirety.


Icons and other displays are demonstrative of the SEL (Social Emotional Learning) toolkit and are very inflammatory. A differing viewpoint was then presented that some junior and senior high school students report positive comments on Lunch Bunch/Rainbow Club.


Listen to and recognize ALL staff on the use of ESSER funds. Questioning the hiring of more legal representation and the fee structure, responsibilities, etc. of this retention of representation.

8 Action items were now discussed and voted upon. These included consent calendar, Miller Farmer Law, MOU(Memo of Understanding) Grand Canyon University, SWOS Charter school renewal, Cortez FFA Field Trip, MCHS Ski and Snowboard Club agreement, 2022-23 School Calendar and all capital reserve requests. *School calendar for overall community and staff favorite of 147 days (4 day week) was voted on and approved. The board also voted on and approved a 3 year commitment to this calendar.

Final agenda items to note: First reading of public request for open records (KDB-E.) Second reading of 12 other policies ( please see 2-22-22 Agenda on website above or YouTube video) for details and policy letters. One item of special interest to many is IMB and IMB-R- this policy regards teaching about controversial /sensitive issues and the use of controversial materials. Please note that a complete list of school board policies can be found on the School Board page of the website listed above.


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