Remembering 9/11 twenty years later
This morning the Patriot Spirit came to life with American Flags and signs of “Never Forget”. All the horns honking, waves, peace signs and thumbs up was uplifting. This was a day for remembrance and honoring our fallen heroes that paid the ultimate sacrifice, starting with the pledge of allegiance and Sherronna Bishop, “America's Mom,” leading the crowd in the National Anthem.
The crowd was inspired by Sherronna's speech talking about Patriotism and the constitution. Remember the day and the fallen heroes. We need to stand for our freedoms. Sherry Simmons said a prayer for all the fallen from 9-11-01 forward. Honoring the 13 soldiers killed recently in Afghanistan.
Danielle Neuschwanger running for Colorado Governor 2022 took a few minutes to honor all fallen. This is not a political day but a day of remembrance. “Where are you conservatives of courage? Where are you preachers of Patriotism? The call is now and today I need you to stand with me to not only take back Colorado but help me spark the greatest American revival since 1776.”
I was able to speak with several in the crowd about where and what their memories were of 9/11. A veteran, who was in NYC, whose duties ranged from security, search and rescue, funerals and clean up, among other duties. Hearing horror stories of people jumping to their death. Searching through the rubble for survivors and recovery. After leaving NYC, going to Afghanistan to fight for our country. A person flying from overseas, headed home to the United States, remembered the captain of her flight coming on the intercom that the US was under attack and they would be turning back. Waiting a week before she was able to get a return flight home, sick with worry over the situation and needing to be back with her family. It was a very emotional time not knowing and waiting to land to get more news. Others remembering driving to work and the emergency broadcast coming over the radio that the United states was under terrorist attack. The disbelief with mixed emotions of anger, sorrow, heartache and yes Patriotism.
The rally ended with a drive down Main Street to Mildred and a drive-by of the SWMH, the Sherriff’s office and Police department, taking time to honor our first responders. Due to a road closure we were not able to go by the Fire Station. So many vehicles with the American flag billowing in the wind. A beautiful sight that brought tears to our eyes and pride to our hearts.
Whether you were there, watched on TV, listened on the radio, or had it announced to you in your travels, the events of 9/11/01 brought our country together, no hate or division, bringing out the Patriot in us all. God bless the United States of America. A Nation everyone wants to come to for our Constitutional freedoms and great way of life.
Tammy Coulon