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Republican Women of MC 3rd Annual FREEDOM NIGHT to be held Oct. 4


The Republican Women of Montezuma County are having their 3rd annual Freedom Night Fundraiser on Friday October 4. Our Speakers are Larry Don Suckla, who will speak on his experience running for House District 58, Sean Pond of Halt the Dolores Monument, and a special guest appearance by Lauren Boebert.

The event will be held at the Elks Lodge in Cortez, with a prime rib dinner. There will be a Silent Auction with many items donated by local businesses, and several items offered in a Live Auction. Lauren Boebert will be bringing for the live auction a TRUMP HAT personally signed BY PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP.

This fundraiser will help our Republican Women of Montezuma County to continue their efforts to educate the public with information on local ballot items, state Republican candidates and the Trump Campaign. We also have been engaged in Election Integrity education, and the effort to eliminate the voting machines and go to hand counting for free and fair elections.

Tickets are $60 per person, and can be purchased online at , or at the Conservative Grounds at 11 N. Broadway Monday through Saturday 9am to 2 pm. You can also call or text Emiko at (970)560-9603..

Please come and enjoy fellowship with people of the same mind and the same goal of saving our country and our state. Help the Republican Women of Montezuma County continue their efforts pointing our country back to it's founding as a Constitutional Republic.


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