Ron Hanks answered the Colorado GOP Questionnaire
LKY: It is disturbing to me that Stephen Varela refused to answer the GOP's questionnaire . Maybe in the upcoming June 4 Forum he will tell us why. Unfortunately, the other candidates were not sent the questionnaire because they did not use the caucus to get on the ballot. Below are Ron Hanks answers
from: Colorado Politics
May 1, 2024 Updated May 31, 2024
Varela and Hanks are among six Republicans seeking the nomination in the Western Slope-based 3rd CD, which has been represented for two terms by Republican U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert, who announced late last year that she was moving across the state to run from another, more favorable seat.
The other 3rd CD Republican primary candidates, who all qualified by petition, are Grand Junction attorney Jeff Hurd; Carbondale financial advisor Russ Andrews; Delta County business owner Curtis McCrackin; and, Durango resident Lew Webb. None of them were asked to fill out the questionnaire, since they aren't eligible to receive the GOP's endorsement because they got on the ballot by gathering signatures.
Republican Party Questionnaire
3 May 2024
Name: Ron Hanks
The office you are running for: Congressional District 3 (CD3)
Please note that to be considered for endorsement you must answer ALL questions. If you don’t know the answer to any question then simply state as much. Please return the survey one week after receiving it.
1. What is the proper role of government?
It is all laid out in our US Constitution, to include:
From the Preamble: Establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty.
Article IV, Sec 4: … guarantee to every state in the union a republican form of government, and … protect each of them against invasion;
Also: Follow, enforce, and protect our Bill of Rights, and also Amendments 11,13,14,15,19,24,26, among others.
2. Do you support President Trump’s populist, America-first agenda?
YES I voted for President Trump in 2016, 2020, in Mar2024, and I will in Nov2024. In 2022, I ran for US Senate as a Pro-Trump candidate. And again, in 2024, I am running for CD3 as a Pro-Trump, MAGA/America First candidate.
3. Do you denounce Americans for Prosperity and the $70M+ they raised to defeat President Donald J. Trump and hard-working Americans who are tired of open borders?
YES The actions of AFP in 2024 have been disruptive and divisive, hopeless and without merit – all at great cost to the political momentum and unity of Americans in this vital election.
4. Is there a time in which a tax or fee increase may be appropriate? Can you think of any critical needs for your constituents that will necessitate a tax or fee increase? Please explain.
NO This rogue, US government has no standing to ask for more taxes or fees from the American people. It operates without proper budgets. It prints money without citizens’ oversight or approval. It consumes TRILLIONS of dollars – and citizens do not even know where or how it is spent. Government must get smaller, and the wealth should be retained by or returned to the people.
5. How do we solve the illegal immigration crisis?
It will start in the White House with the stroke of a pen: redirect federal departments to cease “catch and release” operations. Thereafter, we finish the southern border wall; enhance northern border and coastal security measures; and immediately begin deportations of immigrants paroled into our nation by the Biden regime.
6. Do you support a federal ban on abortion?
Yes I would consider any legislation sponsored by others, but I will not draft it – my expertise is National Security and I will always focus on that. The discussion on abortion may ultimately mirror our discussions on slavery until 1870, when our 13th Amendment prohibited it. We could not remain half slave, half free. Similarly, can we prohibit the killing of babies in some states, yet allow it in others? We will need a national conversation on birth control.
7. Is climate change a concern? Should we be implementing policies and laws to reduce our carbon footprint for future generations?
NO. Climate change is a fake crisis contrived to enrich scammers and governments while reducing our standard of living thru higher costs. We all love this land and our planet. But we should be increasing our energy capacity, not reducing it. We should utilize nuclear power as much as possible. We need coal and natural gas for electrical power, and petroleum for transportation and consumer products. Let the free market and likewise, “free science” (not govt controlled) dictate innovations.
8. Should Red Flag laws be used to prevent mentally ill people from possessing firearms? If so, who should have the authority to petition for the removal of those firearms? Please explain.
NO. Mentally ill persons and felons should not have firearms. However, Red Flag laws are a serious threat to Americans’ personal liberties, and in the state legislature I strongly opposed them. They are easily misused by malicious actors – including a weaponized government and vengeful persons.
9. Do you believe the public education system is broken? If so, what solutions would you propose to fix it?
YES. It is broken. Eliminate the US Department of Education. Return the money to the people and control to the local level. In 2022, I proposed tax cuts for school choice. Parents must take control of the education curriculum.
10. Should parents or schools be allowed to provide or encourage transgender reassignment treatment to minors?
Absolutely NO.
11. Did you support the reauthorization of FISA (which didn’t require the need for the government to obtain a warrant when used against American citizens) that was recently signed into law (HR 7888)?
NO. I served 32 years in the military – the majority in intelligence. We used to be extremely cautious about collecting intelligence on American citizens and US persons. Not anymore. We must reinstitute restrictions on government surveillance and we must enforce them. We must overhaul our foreign and domestic intelligence programs. We have a weaponized police state spying on us, and it is much more capable than any police state before it.
12. Should the US continue giving aid to Ukraine?
NO. If there was a time to provide military aid to Ukraine, it was before any kinetic engagements with Russia. The entire aid effort is wrought with fraud, and it is a money-laundering scheme for Joe Biden and his corrupt political friends in both parties. Russia is a nuclear superpower – I worked on the START and OPEN SKIES treaty inspection teams – and we should never underestimate their ability. Russia deserves more respect than the CIA and Biden’s idiocy offer.
13. Should schools, hospitals, places of business or the government be allowed to require vaccinations of people?
NO. The advent of mRNA technology, the built-in vaccine manufacturer indemnity protections, a fraud-filled government science and health cabal that hid vital data, and a frenzied media blitz to push vaccines should give us all pause. The PEOPLE must retain their right to evaluate and reject mandates completely or until they willingly accept the risks.
14. What does election integrity mean to you? How will you defend our elections if elected?
Election Integrity is an imperative. It is the foundation of our peaceful political process. As a society, both sides of a political contest must be comfortable that it was won or lost on the merits, not due to fraud, intrusion, or foreign influence. This should not be a partisan issue, and indeed it no longer is: both political sides see the threat. We MUST rebuild our voter rolls from scratch, and require a photo ID (after the unchecked immigration invasion, now we must also require proof of citizenship). Ballots should be treated like currency. We must eliminate mail-out and mail in voting – there is not sufficient chain of custody for our ballots, and they can be lost or intercepted. Our electronic equipment is largely built in communist China, using foreign workers without oversight. The software is massive and corruptible. This is a National Security threat. As a state legislator, I sponsored legislation to address these concerns. I will do so again.
15. Have you ever been a registered member of another party? If so, when and why?
16. Have you ever voted for a Democrat in any election, or contributed financially or otherwise to a Democrat running for office in any election? If so, please list all contributions and support.
17. Do you support only closed primaries for when the party decides its nominees?
YES It is inappropriate that some citizens receive TWO ballots for the primary, and can influence elections in either party. They are not a member of either party by their deliberate choice. They should not have the privilege to influence the outcome in either party election without the responsibility of membership.
18. Will you support all efforts by the Colorado GOP, and associated entities, to opt out of open primaries?
YES I have already, and I will again. Democrats should vote in Democrat primaries, Republicans should vote in Republican primaries. Unaffiliated voters should join a party or they should wait to vote for the Republican or Democrat in the general election. Open primaries weaken party platforms, and builds a Uniparty.
19. Are you voting for a candidate other than President Donald J. Trump in the 2024 Presidential election? If so, please explain.
20. Who did you vote for in the 2020 general election for US President?
Donald J. Trump
21. Who did you vote for in the 2016 general election for US President?
Donald J. Trump
22. Why are you the best candidate for this office? How would you govern differently from the current office holder, and from any of your opponents?
I am a former state legislator with a proven conservative record, and a 32-year military vet with national security experience. Everything we face is National Security – our open border is a deliberately instigated crisis by a corrupt Deep State regime. We must rebuild American Energy Independence. I fracked the oilfields of North Dakota, and I know firsthand Blue Collar America can rebuild our oil supply quickly, cleanly and safely. We must refill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve that Joe Biden drained for political gain. We must rebuild American Manufacturing – we will once again make things here at home that should NEVER have been sent overseas.
We must secure American Agriculture and our Food Supply – we have seen how vulnerable we have become under bad policies. We need to strongly defend our water rights to make sure our farmers and ranchers can continue to feed America and our trade partners. We must focus on those National Security issues. My opponents do not have the same experience, nor the proper focus on the urgent issues. Some are anti-Trump and heavily funded by anti-Trump AFP (see question 3). Others petitioned onto the ballot and avoided the voters at assembly. One of those petition-on candidates appeared at assembly to influence voters, but took off like a scalded dog when told to leave or be nominated and face assembly voters. One was a hard left Democrat that founded a PAC to sink our current congresswoman with humiliating billboard ads, and as a Democrat in 2020 by his own admission voted for all the Democrats. Well, that would include Biden. Is there any wonder why he wouldn’t fill out this questionnaire from our party?
My positions have not changed – and I have a record voters can check, a website with current and archive videos, and written assessments that clearly demonstrate what I have and will stand for. I will vote for a conservative Speaker of the House that does not sandbag President Trump like Paul Ryan did in 2016. Others have stated they would vote for current Speaker Mike Johnson. We need to do better. I will. I am the only Proven Conservative in this race. We need President Trump back in Washington, and a conservative congressman from CD3 to enact his America First agenda. I am that candidate.
I affirm that I have answered the above questions to the best of my knowledge and without outside assistance.
Printed Name: Ron Hanks
Date: 3 May 2024