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Senator Michael Bennet is an Embarrassment to Colorado


By Lori York

February 4, 2025

Photo: from

OK, so I admit I did watch SOME of the Senate confirmation hearings.  I really wanted to hear what the candidates had to say.  I realized within 30 minutes that the was not the purpose of the hearings.  Most of the Senators just wanted to give a speech, and not let the candidate even answer a question!  The Democrats were especially disgusting, and I couldn’t watch anymore!  BUT, there are PLENTY of “clips” out there where you watch the highlights of their lie spreading and screaming at the candidates.   It is easier to take only 2 or 3 minute at a time.

Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) was the worst, screaming at RFK, Jr, but guess who now famously came in second?  Colorado’s wonderful Senator Michael Bennet! I was appalled watching him “question” RFK,Jr. and embarrassed that he was our Senator.

My comments on his questioning time:

Senator Bennet spent 3 minutes giving a speech, then started calling RFK Jr a liar, and finally asked a question 3.5 minutes in. BUT he did not let RFK Jr answer a single question! Out of his total time, Senator Benet gave RFK Jr about 20 seconds for his answers. Really, I counted!!!!! AND he pointed his finger at RFK Jr several times. I thought pointing your finger at someone was extremely rude, and at times considered a sign of aggression.  How does a SENATOR get away with this?  Senator Bennet then ended his time with the candidate YELLING at him.  Honestly, it was disgusting.


Senator Bennet’s questioning of Tulsi Gabbard was no better. He started yelling at her about 2 minutes in repeating the same question that other senators had asked, and barely gave her time to answer.  He ended his “questioning” in a tirade against her, going over his time and pointing his finger, again. 

So, I thought “WHY are we even having these hearings? It seems to be a waste of the Senate’s time”. The Democrats actually do not want to hear anyone’s answers.  Then I realized, as did many people on X commented, that these televised hearings are exposing the arrogance and stupidity of the Democrats and the RINOs in our Senate. I read so many comments on X from Democrats that now say they will never vote Democrat again after watching these hearings.  Yea!

Then I thought “Who is Michael Bennet?” He was already a Senator when we moved to Colorado in 2018.

Here is a summary from

He was born in India in 1964, where his father worked.

He grew up in DC.

He has a BA in History and graduated from Yale Law school in 1993.

He moved to Denver in 1997, became Chief of staff for Governor Hickenlooper in 2003, then the Superintendent of Denver Public Schools in 2005.

He was APPOINTED by Governor Bill Ritter to replace Senator  Ken Salazar in 2009.  He was then elected in 2010. And then reelected in 2016 and again in 2022 so his term will not end until January 2029.  OUCH.  We are stuck with him for 4 more years.


Note: as for his hatred of RFK Jr, states the Senator Bennet has taken donations of over $730,000 from pharmaceutical companies. 


Colorado is full of corrupt government officials, state and federal. AND MANY of them started their political careers being APPOINTED, NOT ELECTED.   BUT we cannot VOTE THEM OUT unless we ELIMINATE voting machines and create FREE and FAIR elections again in this state.

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