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Stand with Tina Peters


By Chuck Lurvey

Next week, on February 7th, Tina Peters will go to trial for her role in exposing the rampant election fraud plaguing our nation. Tina is a whistleblower who took necessary steps to shed light on the truth of our electoral system. She has played a significant role in providing evidence that the voting machines are corrupt and fraudulent, making her the target of unrelenting political attacks. Tina is being persecuted for the information she revealed, which is why all our elected officials, including Congress and Trump must stand Tina with her quest for removing the fraud in our elections.

Even though, three forensic reports have proven Tina’s innocence and justified her actions. On September 15th, 2021, it was confirmed that the data described in the federal elections commission 2002 voting system standards mandated by Colorado law were indeed destroyed by the system vendor and the Colorado secretary of state office. On March 1, 2022, it was reported that Mesa County’s electronic voting systems contained 36 separate wireless devices, allowing connections to the internet. In a third report on March 19, 2022, it was found that there was the creation of shadow databases, enabling illegal software and vote swapping.

Tina’s trial, beginning on February 7th, will have nothing to do with these whistleblower efforts. Instead, she is being charged with attempting to influence a public official, which means she cannot bring up anything about the election fraud she exposed. The cards are intentionally stacked against her to demonize, persecute, and discredit the damning evidence she helped to expose.

Below is a documentary on the Trials and Tribulations these Luciferians have put Tina through.

Watch the free documentary that’s shocking America at:

There was a picture in the Documentary of a RINO, our former Congress Scott McGuiness (a big turd), who was one of the Mesa County Commissioners who sold Tina down the river.

Note from LKY:

you can support Tina's Legal Fund by going to

The magazine cover shown above is from Issue 4 dated November 2023. Most of the issue is dedicated to Tina Peters. You can get a copy on Amazon or download a copy at

There will be copies available to borrow at Conservative Grounds, 11 N. Broadway, Cortez



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