FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 25, 2022MEDIA CONTACT (202) 770-4433 Cision@mcshanellc.comTINA PETERS CONDEMNS INTIMIDATION TACTICS FROM ORGANIZED LEFT GRAND JUNCTION, CO -- Today, Clerk Tina Peters made a public statement condemning the intimidation tactics from the organized left. Peters had this to say: “For two years the government, the media, and the organized left have made Tina Peters’s and her supporters' lives a living hell, bringing them to the brink of financial ruin, denying them employment, arresting them, having federal agents kicking in their doors, assault their families – at a certain point against that kind of pressure most people will give in to have their lives back. We hold no ill will towards Chief Deputy Knisley, but Tina Peters will not back down and the truth will come out. The level of intimidation we’ve witnessed in the last two years mimics third world dictatorships – not the United States.”
###Paid for by Committee to Elect Tina Peters