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The Devil Is In The Details...Don't Do It Montezuma RE1 Schoolboard


Taxpayer-Funded Federal

Covid Grants to Schools under ARP

American Rescue Plan

Act of 2021

"This award is contingent upon agreement by the recipient to comply with existing and future guidance from the HHS Secretary regarding control of the spread of COVID-19."

"Including procuring sufficient personnel to meet jurisdictional response needs for the COVID-19 pandemic, prioritizing hard-to-reach communities, focusing efforts on diversity, equity, and inclusion"

You can read in its entirety at

Please take the time to read then contact the RE1 School board with your thoughts

Here is some high lights:

Availability of Funds

A total of $2,000,000,000 is available to the 65 current recipients of CDC’s COVID-19 Crisis Response Cooperative Agreement. A funding table is available in Appendix 1.

Terms of Funding

Funds will be made available during the two-year budget period and period of performance to conduct activities necessary to expand, train, and sustain a response-ready public health workforce at STLT levels. Recipients will operate under a two-year budget and performance period. Efforts are underway, subject to availability of funds, to develop solutions that allow for a more sustained workforce. Details will be provided when available.

Terms and Conditions of COVID-19 Funds

• A recipient of a grant or cooperative agreement awarded by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) with funds made available under the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2020 (P.L. 116-123); the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, 2020 (the “CARES Act”) (P.L. 116-136); the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act (P.L. 116-139); the Consolidated Appropriations Act and the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplement Appropriations Act, 2021 (P.L. 116-260) and/or the American Rescue Plan of 2021 (P.L. 117-2) agrees, as applicable to the award, to: 1) comply with existing and/or future directives and guidance from the Secretary regarding control of the spread of COVID-19; 2) in consultation and coordination with HHS, provide, commensurate with the condition of the individual, COVID-19 patient care regardless of the individual’s home jurisdiction and/or appropriate public health measures (e.g., social distancing, home isolation); and 3) assist the United States Government in the implementation and enforcement of • In addition, to the extent applicable, the recipient will comply with Section 18115 of the CARES Act, with respect to the reporting to the HHS Secretary of results of tests intended to detect SARS–CoV–2 or to diagnose a possible case of COVID–19. Such reporting must be in accordance with guidance and direction from HHS and/or CDC. HHS laboratory reporting guidance is posted at  

• Further, consistent with the full scope of applicable grant regulations (45 C.F.R. 75.322), the purpose of this award, and the underlying funding, the recipient must provide to CDC copies of and/or access to COVID-19 data collected with these funds, including but not limited to data related to COVID-19 testing. CDC will specify in further guidance and directives what is encompassed by this requirement.

• This award is contingent upon agreement by the recipient to comply with existing and future guidance from the HHS Secretary regarding control of the spread of COVID-19. In addition, the recipient must apply these terms to any subaward, to the extent applicable to activities set out in such subaward.

• To achieve the public health objectives of ensuring the health, safety, and welfare of all Americans, the recipient must distribute and administer vaccine without discriminating on non-public-health grounds within a prioritized group. • Submission of this application assumes concurrence among the state health official and the jurisdiction’s preparedness, epidemiology, and laboratory programs.


This award may be terminated in whole or in part consistent with 45 CFR 75.372. CDC may impose other enforcement actions in accordance with 45 CFR 75.371- Remedies for Noncompliance, as appropriate.


• Work Plan: Within 60 days of the start of the performance period, recipients must submit work plans that describe their two-year approach for addressing the allowable activities, including procuring sufficient personnel to meet jurisdictional response needs for the COVID-19 pandemic, prioritizing hard-to-reach communities, focusing efforts on diversity, equity, and inclusion in hiring and recruiting workers from the local communities they serve. Recipients do not have to submit a needs assessment but must describe their approach to identifying workforce needs and the necessary skillsets at the state and local levels. CDC will provide a suggested work plan template. Recipients are not required to use the CDC template but will be required to submit all information included in the CDC work plan template. The work plan page limit is 10 pages, not including attachments that may be needed.

• Two-year Hiring Goals: As part of their work plans, recipients must project their hiring goals and priorities, including those of subrecipients, for the two-year performance period. The summary of hiring goals should include mitigation plans to address challenges in meeting these goals. Recipients should identify the community-based organizations they or their subrecipients will fund and the specific community(ies) those partners primarily support. This may be an attachment to the work plan and is not included in the page limit. A template will be available using the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) system.

• Budget: Within 60 days of the start of the performance period, recipients must submit a two-year budget. This award will operate on a two-year budget and performance period. CDC will provide a suggested budget template. Recipients are not required to use the CDC template but must submit all information included in the CDC budget template.

• Progress and Fiscal Reports: Recipients must submit progress updates and fiscal reports every six months. Progress reports must include status in meeting hiring goals at recipient and subrecipient levels. Fiscal reports must summarize progress in obligating and spending the allotted funds. Reporting templates will be available using the REDCap system.

1 Comment

Merry Freestone
Nov 05, 2022

All these conditions you have to agree to to get all this money! I would totally prefer that the government stay 100 percent out of the schools. That the teachers unions were 100 percent done away with. No one else "higher up" should have anything to do with our schools. Math, English, Reading, History, Civics, Science....those are the things that should be taught in the schools. If a teacher is a good one, they will remain hired for as long as they are willing to work. If they are a lousy teachers, they can be laid off or fired if needs be. They can go elsewhere. Just like any other job. What the children are learning, and the children's success…

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