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"The Enemy Has Over Played their Hand".. Whats going on with Our School Closing?

"The school district claims they want to be transparent. Transparent in what exactly? In their lies? Because none of them can get their stories straight."

Submitted by someone who wishes to remain anonymous

Below is information submitted to the Chronicles, you can also find it attached to the story

Community Protest Against Superintendent Risha VanderWey

So, somewhere, someone isn't telling the truth. When we all got the call about schools closing, a concerned community member had called the health department to find out what was going on.

The call from the school had said "working alongside the health department we decided to make this decision" or something along those lines. A call went out to see what was going on with the health department and the ladies mentioned not hearing anything about it.

The secretary to the superintendent said that she (the superintendent) didn't make the decision alone, that she had the board backing her, along with Bobbi Locke at the health department.

Although, she mentioned, the health department said they weren't going to meddle anymore, Bobbi kept advising that this move be made. A member of the school board said "The superintendent made the decision alone, as she has the power to do that in emergency situations without the boards backing." When it was mentioned what had been told said regarding the health department not knowing, and then what the secretary mentioned about Bobbi, the board member said "The health department doesn't want to get involved, period.

She did this on her decision alone." Kemper shouldn't be counted in the quarantine of 700, because there were a several classes that didn't need to be quarantined. 5 classes were out when they decided to close the school down. The numbers released make it seem a lot bigger than it is. Someone needs to bring this to light. The school district claims they want to be transparent. Transparent in what exactly? In their lies? Because none of them can get their stories straight.

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1 Comment

Lynnette Ward
Oct 30, 2021

I'm wondering if they counted Kemper twice

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