Tina Peters Trial in Grand Junction Postponed
By Lori York

Tina Peters criminal trial that was supposed to start February 7 with jury selection has been postponed until July 29.
It was reported that Tina's fired her team of lawyers due to "irreconcilable differences", and since she was left with no representation Judge Matthew Barrett approved the change in lawyers, and postponed the trial. Tina also told the court she had COVID. The judge ordered her to undergo a COVID test done by a licensed physician.
An article in the Colorado Sun stressed that the judge believed, that she "has been using stalling tactics." Mesa County DA Daniel Rubinstein said "She has already been convicted of lying once" (from The Colorado Sun , article by Nancy Lofholm and Sandra Finch Feb. 6)
It is becoming apparent to me that Tina Peters may be unable to receive a fair trial in Grand Junction. Especially after reading the letter from Colorado GOP Election Professionals that was sent out late on February 5, and signed by 5 former Colorado Secretary of States , and 28 former and present County Clerks. This letter claims "there was no fraud in Mesa County elections" This is a LIE. Proof is in the 3 Mesa County reports that you can read on Tina Peters website Tinapeters.us. The letter also present many other LIES about Tina.
I believe Tina Peters is a HERO in the Election Integrity fight.
Lori York