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Update on Tina Peters, A Hero for Election Integrity in Colorado


By Chuck Lurvey 2.2.23

Election integrity is one of the main concerns American voters have according to national polls. There are several issues that have turned Americans toward having less and less confidence in our elections. The cloak of secrecy that surrounds voter rolls, machine programming code, and machine tabulator results are the main issues. Tina Peters, former Mesa County Clerk, CO was a supporter of Dominion Machines until the municipal election of 2021 for Grand Junction, CO. Secretary Peters stated she drank the kool-aid from the Secretary of State(SoS) offices and believed this 2020 election was "the gold standard" for election integrity. SoS Jena Griswold had formerly worked for a George Soros company. The 2021 election caused Secretary Peters to start listening to her constituents who had grave concerns about election fraud in 2020. She was open to at least entertaining the premises that there could be fraud. I could relate all of this information for you but there was a video made ~7-8 months ago that portrays an accurate history of the events from April 2021 to June of 2022 called [s]election. code. is a very good video, ~1 hour long.

Secretary Peters decided to run for SoS in 2022 since she did not believe the current SoS was conducting free and fair elections. Since CO is a caucus state Mrs. Peters ran and won 60% of the vote in a three way race at the Republican SoS Assembly last spring. The percentage that high is usually a predictor with that much support from the State Republican Assembly Mrs. Peters would be the nominee from the Republican Primary. There were other indicators that Secretary Peters would win like all pre election polls showed Peters leading, Peters was able to raise money, Peters had large campaign rallies and there was enthusiasm from her supporters. But not so fast, SoS Grisold was running the Primary Election and Secretary Peters lost. SoS Griswold was in charge of the secrecy of the machine election code and the machine tabulators. As some folks thought election day voters cannot out vote machine algorithms. The computer code and computers have more security than any top secret documents that are controlled by the Federal Government, just ask Joe Biden. The election code and tabulators have never been looked at or evaluated except by a copy that was required by CO State Law that was made by Secretary Peters. State Law requires all records related to elections to be preserved for 25 months. Fed Law requires records to be preserved for 22 months.

After the SoS reported Secretary Peters had lost the republican primary, Secretary Peters requested a hand recount of the ballots in accordance with state law after the results of the June 28, 2022 primary. The candidate pays for the recount up front but if the hand count votes prove a discrepancy from the machine count then the taxpayers of Colorado pays the amount and refund the money to the contestor. SoS Griswold stated that the cost to perform a statewide recount for the SoS race was $236,000. This was revised by the SoS to include an extra price of $20,000 for Dominions (the owner of the election code) on site presence to provide expertise during the hand recount. So, the SoS revised total was $256,000, for a hand recount. Secretary Peters was only given a couple of days to raise this amount. Since Mrs Peters was the people's choice she was able to raise this amount. Which surprised most political gurus. When the hand recount started Mrs. Peters and other election observers explained that the procedure in El Paso County, CO, (which they were observing) was not done in accordance with state law. The El Paso election officials and Dominion representative told Mrs. Peters and her election observer, "to move along, nothing to see here". Mrs. Peter's then filed a lawsuit to sue the SoS for not following CO Election Law in the June 2022 Primary Election.

Lawsuits were also filed against Tina Peter by the DA of Mesa County alleging Tina Peters is a criminal. This case begins Feb. 28, 2023 for obstruction of justice, because Secretary Peters was allegedly recording a proceeding in court that was being live streamed. The second lawsuit begins around March 1, 2023 where Mrs Peter's will be charged with 7 felonies and 3 misdemeanors. This is the lawfare that is being waged against Mrs. Peters for wanting fair and transparent elections. The DA in Mesa County is reported to be very friendly with George Soros.

Former Secretary Peters explains the trials and tribulation of these upcoming court cases in the video link below. This little ole' granny from Grand Junction definitely has some grit in her craw. Tina Peters will be remembered as a patriot if we are able to save the Constitutional Republic. Start @ the ~7 min mark and the link is ~1 hour.


1 Comment

Merry Freestone
Feb 19, 2023

so true. Thanks for this Chuck.

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