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VFW Scholarship Opportunity

VFW Cortez

The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) has offered scholarship opportunities since 1947. Those scholarships take on a competitive spirit in the form of two separate contests. The contests test the students abilities to form and convey ideas based on a theme that is provided by the VFW.

The two contests are age/grade specific. One is Patriot’s Pen (PP) the second is Voice of Democracy (VOD).

Complete information can be found on the VFW National Page at There is an application (fillable), rules and even examples of past winners. Patriot’s Pen is for the grades 6-8. This is a written essay of 300-400 words. This years theme is “How can I be a good American?” There are prizes for each of the 4 levels where the student progresses from local Posts, to District, then State and finally National where the prize is $5,000.00 for first place. Each of the State winners will recieve $500.00 at National as well. The Voice of Democracy is for the grades 9-12. This is an oral essay of 3-5 minutes submitted on a flash drive. This years theme is “America:Where do we go from here?”. There are prizes at each of the levels as mentioned above. The National prize is $30,000.00 for first place. The student must follow the rules to ensure they qualify. The student must fill out an application which can be found on the National web page at The student has to make sure to turn it in to the local Post point of contact (POC) before October 31.

Montezuma County VFW Post 5231 would be proud to sponsor students. Our POC is John Davis at 720-388-5602.


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