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February 17, 2022


It is my belief that Allen Maez should not be removed from his position as Chairman of the Montezuma GOP. Despite what some voting members of the Central Committee say about Allen, he is a strong supporter of the Constitution, and of the beliefs of the Republican Party. He also works hard in helping honest conservative and constitutional Republican candidates for elected offices.

I first met Allen when I began volunteering at the Republican Headquarters for the 2020 Election. My main goal was to get Trump re-elected and promote MAGA candidates. I was impressed with how much time Allen spent at HQ, and how friendly and helpful he was to anyone who walked in the door. Although I was there to help, Allen was always the first person to greet any visitors, help them with whatever they needed, and answer any questions they may have had. I was a regular volunteer, and I have to admit that I do not recall seeing any other members of the Central Committee helping out at HQ.

Then I started volunteering at the County Fair and Ag Show. And there was Allen, almost always at the Republican booth. Allen attends every County Commissioner meeting, every Patriot meeting and Patriot Parade. He has attended Mancos Days and the Dolores Festival. Even if there is not a booth at an event, he is out meeting people and answering questions. He attends every Meet & Greet in Cortez for ANY Republican candidate that comes to our town.

I was asked by one Precinct Co-Chairman "What is Allen's agenda?" I was dumbfounded. Does everyone that wants to do good things have to have an AGENDA? Allen has no AGENDA, he has no political aspirations. He just wants to see the Republican Party increase in numbers, strength and effectiveness. He believes, as many other republicans in this county do, that we need to come back to our Country's Roots: God, Faith and Family. One Nation Under God. Equal Justice for All.

I started attending Central Committee meetings in January 2021. I became Precinct 5 Co-Chairman a few months later. I was furious at the direction OUR COUNTRY was going, and I was hoping that working in the local Republican Party I would be able to help, in a very small way, to bring our Country back from the brink of destruction. What I saw at these meetings was appalling. I heard Complaining, Bickering and Accusations over what seemed to be insignificant things. I realized then, that if our local meetings were any indication of what went on in DC and the rest of the country, it was no wonder we lost the election. The communists are taking over our country, and this Central Committee spent hours arguing (including a lot of shouting) over where and when we should meet! It is no wonder that so many conservatives want nothing to do with the Republican Party.

I was told by one Precinct Co-Chairman that our County Party is just fine the way it is, and we do not need to change a thing. WELL, if it is so GREAT then WHY are the Democrats running our great state of Colorado? WHY do we have NO SAY in our State Government, and NO SAY in the US Senate?? I believe that some things need to change!

Allen Maez tried to make changes. His intentions were to include more people in the meetings, with the goal of getting more people involved. Allen may have made some mistakes in how he went about making some changes, but it was with a pure motive. I saw meetings dissolve into shouting matches over ridiculous things. Allen tried to stop this when these arguments were going nowhere, but this just angered those members even more.

One item that keeps coming up is Allen's insistence on a different venue for the Lincoln Day Event. He was hoping for an Event that might elevate our county organization into a stronger position, and possibly bring in new members. I understood this, because I felt the same way. Allen was not arguing for this just to be contrary, he really believed in a very special Lincoln Day Dinner. He lost this battle. The party made money. Great. This is something that should not be held against him or used as a reason to have him removed.

The latest insult made against Allen by a Precinct Co-Chairman is that Allen is a liberal, and "will turn this County Blue" That makes no sense. Allen spends all his time promoting the Republican Party and Conservative Candidates, and he is going to turn our County Blue? Ridiculous!

I have a question: What if all this time and energy spent fighting Allen was used to criticize our Criminal Colorado Secretary of State? What if letters were written to our Corrupt Governor who doesn't even believe in eating meat? What an amazing idea! Then maybe our County Party could help our State move back to it's Conservative and god-Fearing Roots.

If, as a member of the republican Party, and you would like to express your support of Allen, please contact your Precinct Co Chairmen. They are listed on the website. OR, come to your caucus on March 1 at 7 p.m. and express your opinion of the County republican Committee.

I fully support Allen Maez to continue as Chairman.

Lori York DVM

Precinct 5 Co-Chairman



Susan Kemnetz
Mar 17, 2022

As a lifetime Independent voter, I have seen all the good that Allen does for the Republican party and I wholeheartedly support him. All of the Rinos in the party need to leave-they are the actual "liberals" who do not support the constitution or conservative values-all they do is promote their own agendas and power-HYPOCRITES!!!


Judy Echols
Feb 18, 2022

Thank you Lori! Roger and I feel exactly the same way about Allen. What’s happening within the Montezuma County Central Committee isn’t helping the image of the Republican Party and is most destructive.

Roger and Judy Echols

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