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Zipped in Body Bag, Begins Crying on the Way to the Cemetery


International | Micaiah Bilger | Jan 11, 2022 | 12:19PM | Istanbul, Turkey

January 11, 2022

Turkish authorities are investigating a hospital where a baby who reportedly had been declared stillborn began crying right before he was about to be buried.

The Daily Mail reports the infant’s parents, Melek Sert, 32, and husband, Hasan, 34, said their baby boy currently is “fighting for his life” in the hospital.

Melek Sert went into preterm labor and gave birth to her baby boy on Jan. 2 at Yuregir State Hospital in Adana, Turkey, according to the report. She said she had been suffering from pain and bleeding for about a week before her son was born.

Doctors told the Serts that their son had died during labor and was stillborn, the report states. At one point, however, Melek suspected that the doctors were wrong.

“When they took my baby, I felt that my baby was alive and I asked my husband, ‘Is my child alive?’” she told Sabah news. “I told him to go and ask the nurse. They told Hasan, ‘He is not alive, he is dead.’”

After multiple confirmations that their son had died, the Serts arranged to bury him in a nearby cemetery. Hasan said the hospital gave them a death certificate and their son’s body in a small body bag.

On the way to the cemetery, however, Hasan said they heard their son cry. He said they immediately rushed back to the hospital, and their son continues to receive treatment there.

“My baby is fighting for his life. Since we haven’t given him a name yet, donors can give blood for the Sert baby,” he said.

Local authorities confirmed that they are investigating the hospital.


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